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(((((Joan's POV)))))

The front door creaks open and the jangling of the dogs' collars ring through the house from downstairs as dad steps through the front door from their morning walk, followed by the rapid clacking of their claws against the hardwood floors as they follow him into the kitchen
I chuckle to myself at the faint sound of his voice. "Shhh calm down, Joanie's still asleep", he chuckles.
My mom used to joke that he'd turn into the counterpart of the typical "crazy cat lady" as the "crazy dog guy", had they never met. If she could only see us now.
We've brought home at least enough to amount to add up to twice as many dogs in our little pack since she'd passed. Me included, "picking up my bad habits" as he likes to put it.

A quick brush through my long, messy hair, my favorite torn jeans, a dirty Doors t shirt I grab up off the floor, and I head downstairs for my breakfast.

Buster starts yapping excitedly, his tail wagging a mile a minute, as he hears me approach the kitchen doorway.
"Hey there., little buddy!" I coo, reaching my hand out to pet the happy terrier standing up against my knee. "Morning, Dad".
"Well, good to know it's just you again and not a burglar!" he jokes, shyly as I sit down at my usual place at the table. Humor was more Mom's thing, but he was trying.
"Sleep well?" he asks, changing the subject.
"Alright, I guess. No different than usual." I shrug. "Have a good walk?" I add with a slight smirk, implying that I'd heard them earlier.
"Aha" he chuckles, catching that. "Nice, as usual". I nod, taking a bite of my eggs, slipping some down to a pleading Sammy (our newer addition), who was staring up at me from underneath the table.
"I hate having to rush off, but I'm already late as it is" he sighs, apologetically, adjusting the collar of his shirt.
"We'll be fine" I smile, reassuringly. "The bus'll be here soon anyway"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes Dad, don't worry about it"
He manages a half smile as he turns to look at me. "Alright", he sighs.
I stand back up to hug him.
"Have a good day"
"You too" I half smile back.
The dogs start to follow him again as he turns to walk out the door.

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