It wasn't long before they were both playing, Phil struggling to remember which buttons did what and Dan trying hard to hit every shell and banana peel he could. "Oh come on you could have dodged that one!" PJ yelled from the sofa, sitting up straight again to watch the two play. "Oh my god, you're meant to jump."

"You know I think you're right about going too fast." He mumbled, hitting another red shell. "Hey don't forget to hit the coins, you get a boost if you get enough." Dan said, bumping his shoulder into Phil's, making sure he was paying attention.

"Trying, it's harder when you have to jump things." Phil mumbled as he poked his tongue out in concentration. Something that Dan found terribly adorable. While Phil was in second place, Dan was slowing down trying to give Phil the chance to pass him for first. "What do plants do?" Phil asked, not wanting to run into one.

"Mm, you wanted that. Those are good." Dan said as he skidded into the wall, letting Phil easily take the lead. PJ wined softly on the sofa, he could hardly stand it. He knew what Dan was doing but Chris nudged him roughly, giving him a look that clearly said 'don't say anything.' It was harder said than done. "You win." Dan lowered his controller, glancing over at Phil with another smile. "Guess you were better than you thought."

"I guess, huh, I thought it was going to be harder." Phil stared at the screen in confusion. That didn't look right at all but he decided not to say anything, simple returning the smile after a second. Another strangled sound came from the sofa, both of them looking up to find out where the source of the sound had come from.

"Alright, well I think we better get going, I've got a massive power point due in a couple day and I think PJ has an essay he's got to turn in." Chris said, practically dragging his alpha off the sofa and carefully trying to step over the other two on the floor before PJ lost it.

"Really, it's been only been an hour, you're sure you want to leave?" Dan said a bit sadly, it seemed like the two had been so caught up in each other recently he hardly got to spend time with them without feeling like the third wheel. "I'll see you at school then, Phil you want me to walk you home?" He asked, hauling himself off the floor and offering Phil his hand.

Phil didn't know why but his face heated up as he grabbed onto the other's hand, allowing himself to be pulled up as well. "I can stay, I told my parents I'd be out till this evening. I mean unless uh, you're busy or something because I-I can...I can leave too, it's not a big deal." He stuttered over his words, wanting to mentally smack himself.

"No, no stay. Dan needs the company." Chris laughed before pulling PJ towards the door. "Isn't that right Dan?" Dan blinked in surprise, he didn't mind if Phil wanted to stay. He wasn't sure what he was meant to do with him though without his other friends around, maybe a movie?

"Yeah, we can watch a movie or something if you wanted." Dan offered as he showed the other two out, waving goodbye. And like that it was just him in and Phil. They stared at one another for a moment, neither sure what to say.

"I like movies." Phil offered before glancing down shyly. What was it about Dan that made him feel so self-conscious and yet over the moon at the same time. "Did you want watch one?" He looked up trying to fight off the submissiveness buried inside him.

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