He gave a slight wave back, "Love you too Blue. Forever, don't you forget it 'cos you're not leaving me."

The door shut behind me and I made my way to the warehouse where the fights were held.

I sat next to the bush I usually put my bag in and put my hand wraps on. My hand slid down the inside of my combat boot and once my fingers gripped the cold metal, I pulled my hand out.

Weapons were always needed, especially when things got messy. And trust me it's not nice to have someone pull out a knife on you in the middle of a fight. A gun? Well that's another story.

I stood up, dumped the bag in the bush and made my way to the bar inside the building. The same barman greeted me.

"Are you here to fight?"

I nodded, keeping my head down and hood on, concealing my face. The dim lighting helped me keep my face covered.

"Well, someone has requested to fight you. One of 'Grey Soul Snatchers' boys. Are you sure you're okay to do this?"

I nodded once again. "I'm okay. I'm just here for what I came to do."

He nodded in reply. "Next fight after this then."

I turned around and headed to one side of the room. The side was dark and you couldn't see what was lurking in the shadows.

My elbow rested on the window sill as I watched the fight from a distance.

Moments after, the fight ended with one man lying bruised on the floor and the other holding his arms up in victory.

I made my way to the front and once I heard my fighting name being called, I climbed up.

"'Stealth', the newbie against the undefeated 'Lady Swooner'."

I rolled my eyes at the name as I looked to the crowd, my eyes searching for those blue eyes. The ones that always watched me, as if calculating my every move.

A boy around my age climbed up the steps to the slightly lifted platform. His head hung low before he turned to the mysterious blue eyed person. His blue eyes lowered slightly indicating he just nodded.

My green eyes carried on examining the crowd, dotting from one person to another.

That was when I noticed some people from school, two jocks stood mixed with the crowd. One of them was Ryan.

What was he doing here? Did he know?

Even more surprisingly, I found Carter and Blake near the front. Too close to the front, what if they saw me?

Then again I don't think they would, they were too busy cheering for 'Lady Swooner'. But just to me safe, I pulled the tip of the hoodie down a bit, making sure I wouldn't be recognised.

Finally, my eyes made their way to my opponent. He only wore shorts, free for the whole room to see his muscles. He had a few scratches here and there and I noticed the tattoo that the Grey Souls Snatchers had, informing me that he was definitely a part of them.

He also probably wouldn't go easy on me either. I've had a few experiences with gangs, I haven't been a part of one but I have had a couple of run-ins with a few.

His dirty blonde hair covered my view from his face. That was until he looked up though.

I froze in place. Tyler.

I didn't have much time to process anything, apart from the fact that I was about to fight Tyler, before the referee A.K.A the barman shouted, "Fight!"

The Street FighterOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz