Chapter 17- Taking The Long Way Home.

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Luke's POV

"HOME TIME!" I yell at the top of my lungs, i really want to get home because Calum said that i can audition for his band! I could actually be cool, with friends and everything! I called my Mum when Calum told me and she was so happy for me. The fact that i would make friends. She said that she saw big things for our band, well Calum's band.

"Dude can you please shut up!" Calum groaned, he is in a horrible mood because Mellie never showed up for their date, even though I saw her and told her which room to go too.

"Cal, like I've said before I don't know what happened last night all I remember was that I told Mellie to go to the far dining room, and that's where she went." I said trying to reassure him.

"That's all good then, Oh wait it isn't, she NEVER SHOWED UP!" Cal shouted, with tears brimming in his eyes.

He stormed out of our hotel room and slammed the door shut running into the hallway.

"Oh no...." Was all I mumbled.

Rosa POV

"Mellie! Mellie?! Where are you, you have to pack?" I shouted entering her room. She wasn't there, both of the twins told me that she didn't come to bed last night. They hadn't seen her since dinner. I walked over to her wardrobe where all her stuff is supposed to be, nothing was there. It was completely empty, even her suitcase was gone.

"Shit!" I shouted, she's gone. I slammed the wardrobes doors close, turning and power walking into the corridor. Calum came sprinting down the hall and stopped abruptly in front of me.

"Is she okay? Cause I get, I understand now!" He said breathing heavily.

"Cal, she's not there..." I said barely anything louder than a whisper, but he still heard me.

"What do you mean she's not there?! Where is she?" He shouted at me.

"I don't know, if I did I would be there! We need to find her, we'll have to split up." I said thinking about where she could be.

"Okay, okay, you can search the hotel and I'll look outside. Okay?" Cal said turning and walking back down the hall.

"Okay!" I shouted back at him.

Calum POV

Mellie wasn't anywhere, she definitely wasn't in the hotel. I checked the indoor swimming pool and gym as well. Nowhere to be seen. My last resort was the bus station a cross the road from our hotel.

I ran to the side of the road, looking for Mellie on the other side.

She was sat, face in hands, at the bus stop on the opposite side of the road. 

"Mellie!" I shouted but it was only just loud enough for her to hear. She looked up, tears streaming down her face.

"Just come back, please!" I shouted again, Mellie just continued to look at me, not saying a word. The cars were passing by too quickly for me to just walk across the road and pull Mellie back with me.

"Calum, I'm going home." Was all she said. Two large coaches pulled up to the Bus stops. Mellie slowly picked up her bags and walked to a coach. Without thinking i ran, i ran across the road. Not even thinking about the incoming traffic. Mellie had gotten onto the bus to take her back to Sydney, I looked at the sign and it said


I got on without even thinking, paying the 20 dollar fare and sat down, looking for Mellie.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2016 ⏰

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