Chapter 13- Pink doughnut rings.

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Calum's POV

"I swear on my life that you will like it!" I said to Mellie, she is scared of pretty much everything, sharks, heights, clowns, even vacuum cleaners!

"If I fall and die, I will come back as a ghost and haunt you forever!" She snapped back at me.

"Ok wow, let's forget that you ever said that. I promise that you will love it."
If anything I should be more scared to go on that death swing, I shouldn't really call it a death swing that sounds pretty bad, how about the love swing? Nope still bad. 

"Calum, do we really have to go on this, i'm not going to like it, you don't even look like your going to like it and i really want to go on some of the water slides." Mellie said pulling my hand away from the queue. I let her pull me away, honestly i was too scared to ask her out, she would think im such a loser. 

"Hey you two love birds, how'd it go?" Rosa asked from the other side of the picnic bench that we just sat down on. 

"It didn't go." I muttered loud enough for Rosa to hear.

"What didn't go? Look Calum if your in a mood about not going on that stupid swing thing, then im sorry but i don't want to risk my life on it! Now stop sulking and grow up! Come on Rosa I'm going on the water bowl." Mellie said grabbing Rosa's arm and pulling her away from the picnic tables.

* * *

Mellie's POV

"Normally I love you but today I kinda hate you!" I said pulling Rosa away from those stupid picnic benches.

"Ok so I don't understand?" Rosa started, "I thought you liked Calum...."

"Rosa, just listen, I really like Calum but I want a romantic relationship not getting asked out on a 70ft swing! And before you ask, I heard all of you this morning while I was in the bathroom. You people need to learn how to whisper!" I said pulling Rosa her into the line for the changing rooms.

"I'm sorry Mellie, just talk to Calum, Ok? Lets just have an amazing day and then when we get back to the hotel we can talk about it." Even though Rosa was in on the death swing idea, I knew she was right.

"Ok, well if we get changed first and then we can go and get the rest of the group." I said walking into the changing rooms and finding a little corner to get changed in. Our group for the past 5 years has just been me and Rosa, all of a sudden it has started to grow. We now have, Calum, Luke, Robyn, Lizzie and Arlyn. Lucky us!

* * *

"Ok, ready?" Rosa asked from the other side of the room.

"Ready!" I said as I walked over to her and we left the weird smelling rooms.

Calum, Luke, Lizzie, Robyn and Arlyn were all still sat down discussing something at the picnic table, not one of them looked up when we approached.

"Umm.. Calum can I speak to you in private please." Calum nodded and walked over to the other picnic bench that was out of earshot to the rest of the gang.

"Calum, I know that you were going to ask me out and I know that you are upset about not going on that swing because that's where you were going to do it, but I don't want that."

"Ok, you could have just said no!" Calum growled at me.

"What? No?! Calum if you had asked me out I would of said yes, but I thought you could have at least been a bit more romantic. Maybe dinner or a bouquet of red roses?"

"Oh.." Was all that he could make out.

"Ok, so lets forget about it and take your waterslide virginity!" I said with a laugh causing Calum to giggle even though he tried to cover it up.

"Are we ok?" I asked him.

"Yeah we're ok."

* * *

Calum's POV

Waterslides are shit scary but so fun. Mellie is a maniac, she is literally not scared of anything! Well apart from sharks, vacuums, heights, snakes and spiders. So maybe a few things. My favourite slides are the ones where you sit down on little rings. Every single time I go down that slide (Which so far has been four times) I always get the pink doughnut ring.

"Calum hurry up!" Mellie called from the swimming pool at the bottom of the slide.

"Ok, Im coming!" I shouted down from the top of the highest slide. I pushed off the top of the slide and quickly made my way down, in a split second I was dunked into the freezing cold water at the bottom.

"That was awesome!" I shouted emerging from the icy depths of the swimming pool.

"Kids, it's time for lunch." One of the teachers called as they walked towards the bus. Everyone including me moped off to the bus to grab their packed lunches.

* * *

Ashton's POV

"Pick up the damn phone!" I groaned as Michael wouldn't pick up. I needed to see a friendly face and with Cal away that meant all I had was Michael, and I wasn't going to give up that easily. I dialled him again.

M: Hello? Ashton why have you called me fifteen times?

A: Well maybe if you answered then I wouldn't have had to call that many times! And hello.

M: What you want that is so important?

A: Can we go to the park or something? I need to talk to you about something,

M: Umm yeah, give me half an hour and I'll meet you there. Ok?

A: Yeah, ok. Bye!

M: See ya. 


Sorry this is kinda a filler ;)

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