Chapter 12- She's Kinda Hot

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Calum's POV

Mellie was sat next to these nice looking twins, they were different but in a good way. Everyone on our trip had come down to the restaurant to eat, Nicole still hasn't apologized about the incident. URRRGGGGGGHHHHH why is she so annoying!? The twins next to Mellie were dressed in the same kind of clothes as her, black jeans and checkered shirts. All in all it was weird. Now there where four girls that all looked like punk queens, my head was going to explode!

Luke was now officially my new best friend, even though he followed me everywhere. I knew Luke had a slight crush Rosa, they were cute together. Mellie thought so as well, they both denied  the feelings, liars. I am now about 70% sure that Mellie has a thing for me, which means i have a chance! There was only one problem, Ashton.

"Hey, are you OK? It's just that you are staring me, really weirdly." Mellie asked from over the table. Damn she saw me staring, what do i say?

"Oh i was just thinking that you look really cool today." I hate myself, who says cool about someones appearance !?!

"Thank you, I think? You look cool today as well." She said with a giggle, She looks so good when she does that! Stop staring Calum!

"What are we doing tomorrow?" I asked trying to change the conversation.

"I think we are going to Wet 'n' Wild tomorrow, if we are im so excited! Cal, do you like water parks?"

"I don't know. I've never been to one before." As soon as i said that Mellie's grin fell.

"What?! You have to be kidding me!"

"No, it's i have never really had the time." I said realizing how lame i sounded.

"I feel sorry for your childhood!" Mellie said causing everyone at the table to laugh.

"Oh sorry i haven't introduced you yet, this is Lizzie and Robyn. Lizzie, Robyn this is Calum." Oh that's what the nice looking twins were called. I stretched out my hand for them to shake, Robyn surprisingly had a very strong grip. The two girls might be very good looking, they had nothing on Mellie.

Luke walked into the restaurant with his right arm around Rosa, they both were laughing hard at something. I don't know what but when they came and sat they laughed even harder. Mellie looked at me with a smirk, sending me telepathic messages.

"So, what are you two love birds talking about?" Mellie asks being the nosy person she is. 

"Nothing." Rosa says with a cute grin. What am I saying, Rosa is not cute! I like Mellie! Damn you hormonal brain! But that little smile she just did was sexy! Her eyes are so easy to drown in them and her lips I could just k..... STOP CALUM!!! She is Luke's and you like Mellie, remember?  Still, even if I like Mellie, Rosa is still really good looking, she's kinda hot.

"Calum are you ok? It's just that you have been staring at Rosa for quite a while." Luke asked breaking me from my trance. I could feel my cheeks turn the shade of a tomato. Shit!

"I think I'm going to go and get some food, Mellie do you want to join?" I asked trying to find a way out of my awkward situation.

"Sure thing." She said and stood up grabbing my hand, pulling me to the buffet.

Mellie's POV

I have no chance, by the way that Calum was staring at Rosa I could tell that he likes her and not just in the friend way! Why is it always me?! Just when I thought that things between Calum and I were going great, he has to notice my stunning best friend! At least I know Rosa would never go there, she likes blondes.

I could tell that Calum had something important to tell me by the way that he kept looking at the ground and not at my face, great he's going to tell me how much he likes my best friend!

"Calum just tell me." I say getting bored with the fact that it's taken him all this time to spit it out.

"It's just hard for me to say, Mellie!" Calum whisper yelled.

"Well then I will say it for you, you like Rosa and want us to be friends. It's ok I understand I mean look at her!" I say tilting my head in the gingers direction.

"What?!" Calum choked, spraying my pale face with his saliva.

"NO NO NO, Mellie you've got this all wrong, I like you!" Calum said before he realised that he told me he has a thing for me. I can't help but grin like the Cheshire cat.

"What ?! Why are you smili..... oh." Calum looked at his shoes while his face went from a gorgeous tan to the colour of a  strawberry pencil.

"Calum, you like me?" I say hoping that he didn't just mean it in a friend way.

"Um... yeah...well.... yeah." Calum said still looking at his shoes.

"Cal, it's ok, I like you too." I say placing my hand on his shoulder. He looked up with a huge toothy grin.

"Wait, really?" He asks unsure of what I said.

"Yeah, of course I'm sure, I mean look at you. Your sporty and hella hot, you literally look like a rock star and if you say that you play guitar.... OMG I will probably die!" I babbled hoping that he only heard the first bit.

" I play the guitar." He says with a cheeky grin.

Before I realise what's happening, im hugging him, one of his specialities, bone crushing hugs. I place my head in the crook of his neck because I'm not tall enough to put it on his shoulder. Calum is only a little bit taller than me but when we hug he seems metres taller.

"Excuse me." An older lady says pushing in front of us because we were holding up the queue.

"Oh sorry." Cal and I say in unison, breaking apart and letting a group of elderly ladies go in front.

~The next day~

"Good morning!" Lizzie and Robyn both shout into my left ear.

" Jesus Christ !!!!" I shout sitting up rubbing my now deaf ear.

"Come on, hurry up we are going to the waterpark today!" They both shout again in unison. I just guess it's a twin thing.

"Wait, what?! Really?" I say jumping out of bed.

"Yes!" The girls both say, as they rush into the bathroom.

I quickly run to the wardrobe on the other side of the room and pick out my blue and white striped bikini with a pair of denim shorts and a red Hollister t- shirt. My brother bought me this shirt for my birthday last year, I think that Calum was there when Ash got it. Lizzie and Robyn stepped out of the bathroom wearing big flouncy hats and were covered in tons of sun cream. I guess they are sun scared. 

"Are you guys finished in there?" I ask wanting to get changed. They both nod at exactly the same time, weird!

I swiftly grab my clothes and run to the bathroom, I not going to have a shower seeing as I will be getting wet all day (A/N That's what she said!) so I just wash my face and throw on the t-shirt and shorts.  I look around the bathroom and find a black hair tie, messily I pull my hair into a pony tail. When I step out of the bathroom fully dressed and raring to go, I see Calum, Luke, Rosa and the twins all sat on my bed whispering. Luckily no had seen me so I could eavesdrop.

"That's so cute! I would love a guy to do that to me." Lizzie cooed.

"So your going to ask her out on one of the water slides?"  Rosa asked unsure.

"Well not exactly, I googled the place last night and I found out they had a swing that swings you 70ft in the air and you have to have two people strapped in together."

"Wait your planning to ask out my best friend 70ft in the air, that's awkward if she says no." Rosa said staring to laugh. I couldn't hear anymore, I slowly backed up into the bathroom and closed the door, I continued to back up when I accidentally knocked the towel rail over. Everyone went really quiet, I reopened the door and walked out, Calum and Luke had gone, where I don't know.

"Come on guys," I said "Lets go!".


Smiley faces !

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