Chapter 14- Callie is dead.

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Ashton's POV

Australia to most people is a place full of kangaroos and hot weather, one of those two things is true, it's a Wednesday at 10:30 in the morning and it's already over 30 degrees. If it's hot for me I have no idea how Michael will be coping, he never shows skin you see. Half an hour he said to me, it's now nearly two hours since we last spoke on the phone.

"Hey dude!" Michael said snapping his fingers in front of my face bringing me back to the real world.

"What's this thing you need to talk to me about? Is it a girl?" Michael asked sitting down on the bone dry grass.

"No it's nothing to do with a girl, I was thinking about trying to do something, like all three of us." I said sitting down next to him on the brown grass.

"And what is this thing?" Michael asked curious.

"I know this is probably a stab in the dark but I think that we should put all of our musical talents together..."

"What are you talking about dude?" Michael asked confused.

"I'm saying let's make a band! I play the drums, Cal and you play the guitar. Huh, what do you think?!" I gushed revealing my plans, it's the reason I've been playing my kit a lot recently, not because I have problems or going through a stage, but because I wanted to be good enough to be in a band.

"You want to make a band? Like write songs and shit?" Michael asked still trying to get his head around what I just said.

"Yeah I think we could go far, we just need another guitarist, because Calum prefers bass, do you know anyone who plays guitar?" Michael shook his head.

"Cal might know someone, I'll text him." Michael stated pulling out his phone.

M: Hey Cal, how's the trip?
C: Hey Mikey, it's ok, how are you feeling?
M: Yeah I'm feeling better I'm actually at the park with Ash and he wants to know something.
C: What's that?
M: Do you know anyone who plays guitar (preferably electric) ?
C: Actually I think I do know someone, he's called Luke. Why?
M: Basically Ash wants to start a band, you, me, Ash and maybe Luke.
C: Oh ok I have to go Bye.
M: See ya.

"So... ?" I asked.

"Calum knows this guy called Luke who plays the guitar, so when they come back maybe we should audition him?"

"Yeah we'll see, come on let's play some soccer." I said standing up and kicking the ball to Michael.

Mellie's POV

Lunch was crap, two cheese sandwiches and a packet of ready salted crisps, not the kind of food for a waterpark. Calum however ate everything like it was a gourmet meal. Typical boy.

Luke and Rosa have been very close lately, like coupley and cute close. Calum and I on the other hand have not been closer than a metre to each other. Actually he's been avoiding me and it's pretty obvious. If I go on a non ring slide, Calum will walk in the other direction and go on a ring one. It's like he's not even trying to hide the fact that he doesn't want to be any where near me. When Calum's not ignoring me he's on his phone texting and laughing. I walked past a couple of times to try and see who he was talking to but he would just walk the other way or stop texting completely. If he's trying to send a message, I've gotten it loud and clear! Callie is dead.

I've got to move on and forget about Calum stupid Hood, even if it's the last thing I do.

Calum's POV

I know she doesn't like me, to be honest who really does. My plan is killing me, to completely ignore her until we get back to the hotel and then I will give her a romantic meal, just the two of us. There will be candles and rose petals, typical cheesy romance that Mellie said she loves, then I will pop the question (Asking her out, not her hand in marriage), she will say yes and it will be all back to normal. Well if she says yes.... what if she says no, I will look like an idiot, a complete loser. I'll probably die alone with hundreds of cats all cat Mr Fluffykins. And when I die they will eat me....

"Cal you ok?" Rosa asked looking concerned.

"Rosa, my cats are going to eat me."

"What? Calum you don't have any cats."

"When I die all alone they will eat me and then no one will know I have died."

"Calum what are you talking about, firstly you don't have a cat and secondly your not going to die anytime soon."

"But if Mellie says no, then my life will be condemned to a life of hundreds of Mr Fluffykins."

"Calum, I don't know who Mr Fluffykins is and Mellie will not say no."

"I was going to have a romantic meal later but now im not to sure.."

"Look you set it all up and then I will make sure she will be there, if you want I can run it through with you first?"

"Yes, thank you Rosa, you will save me from a life of cats!"


The telecom bleared through the park.

"I'll see you later." Rosa said walking to the girls changing room.

"Exactly at seven." I called as she walked through the changing room door. At least now I won't die by cat.


Hola, kind of a filler thingy, Adios


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