Chapter 10- Bus Friends

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Mellie's POV

Calum helped me up from the sidewalk, his arm draped over my shoulders, shielding me from Nicole's jealous glare. I could sense her beady blue eyes follow us as we walked into the Aquarium.

"Thank you Calum..." I start, but he cuts me off mid sentence.

"Stop saying that I was just doing my job." Calum said with a smirk forming on his lips.

"And what job is that?" I say feeling myself getting anxious, what if he says my boyfriend ?!

"Your new best friend, YOU silly BUUT!" Calum said poking me in the ribs. My face fell. Calum could tell that it wasn't the answer I wanted but he just smiled and continued puling me closer to the shark tunnel.

I love lots of animals and fishes but there was one animal that i am terrified of .... Sharks! Ever since i was little i was too scared to swim in the sea because i was afraid that a shark would eat me. No one but Ashton and Rosa knows about my huge fear of sharks so unfortunately Calum thought it was perfectly fine to pull me into a cylindrical glass tube filled with sharks staring at me from all angles.

"Umm... Mellie are you OK ?" Calum asked, i hadn't realized but i had stopped dead in my tracks right in front of the entrance to the shark tunnel.

"Umm.. I actually don't want to go into the tunnel i think i'll just sit this one out." I muttered barely loud enough for Calum to hear. He looked at me confused for a couple of seconds and then it hit him.

"Ohhh i remember Ash saying it now, you're petrified of sharks!" Cal said with a cheeky smirk on his face.

"Wait he told you that! I thought it was our secret! How can i tell him anything again! Who else knows about it? Wait does Michael know?" I asked stumbling over the words.

"What NO! i would never do that, just saying ! Ashton just trusted me with a fact about you, thats all no need to be paranoid." Calum spoke quickly feeling bad about what he said.

"Still i don't think i can go in that tunnel ! I mean i will be surrounded by my greatest fear!" I said starting to hyperventilate. Calum pulled me into one of his infamous hugs, it surprisingly steadied my breaths. I thought my heart would speed up. Out of the corner of my eye i could see Nicole staring at us with the look of hate on her face.

"Cal, it's OK if i call you Cal isn't it?" i asked.

"Yeah it's fine." He said with a beautiful smile creeping onto his face.

" I think i can do it, but only if you come with me and stay close." I asked shyly.

Calum just nodded and grabbed my waist, he pulled me towards the the bright sign of the shark tunnel. Inside the tunnel was the rest of our year, they were staring in awe as a huge grey shark swam past. It was swimming towards us, it's beady soul searching eyes were locking with mine. Calum just tightened his grip around my waist to reassure me. If any thing it made me worse, i could feel his warmth through my shirt. The shark passed and and another one swam towards us. They became less and less scary in fact i thought they became elegant and beautiful gliding through the water. I was transfixed with the pretty silver fish in the corner of the tunnel when Calum poked my ribs breaking my gaze.

"Mellie we're moving on." Calum said with a smile showing how proud he was of me.

We walked out of the tunnel arm in arm towards the penguins. Rosa was standing right outside the penguin enclosure talking to the new boy Luke, she was laughing at one of his jokes, her head was thrown back with her mouth covered, what she always does when she laughs. Rosa's face turned red with laughter while Luke just smiled pleased at making her laugh. Neither of them realized Cal and i standing right in front of them.

"Hello love birds, are we going to see the penguins or not?" Calum and i laughed.

Rosa and Luke's cheeks turned crimson, Calum pulled me through the the door of enclosure with Rosa and Luke following behind.

* * *

"Mellie i hope you don't mind but Luke has asked me to sit next to him on the bus back to the hotel is it OK?" Rosa asked as everyone started to pile onto the coach.

"Yeh, you guys are really cute together by the way!" i said smirking at Rosa who was blushing.

Calum was already on the bus sitting next to James, a boy who was scarily into sports. I walked onto the bus, there was only a couple of free seats left. One next to a slightly on the large side boy who always smells of shit and a girl with black hair, i slowly walked to the girl with black hair she was listening to music and looking out of the window. I waved my hand in front of her face to get her attention.

"Umm... Hi i hope you don't mind but there are no seats left so can i sit next to you?"

"Yeh of course!" The girl said with a smile. "By the way i'm Arlyn and i'm also new."

"Hi Arlyn, I'm Mellie and it's nice to meet you!" I said smiling at my new friend.

Arlyn and i continued to talk about nothing for the rest of the bus journey. When we finally got to our hotel the sun was setting. The Holiday Inn near the aquarium was the hotel that we were staying in. Everyone scrambled off the bus grabbing their bags from the under storage, they all grouped together on the sidewalk in a little circle waiting for the teachers to tell us whose in which room. Rosa came and stood next to me smiling.

"I asked Sir last week if we can share a room and he said if i went away he would say yes, so i left. Roomy!" she said giggling.

"Room number 6 is Mellie, Rosa, Arlyn and Nicole." Mr Roberts shouted to make sure everyone heard.

All of Nicole's clones looked over towards Rosa and I, they glared at our presence. They obviously wanted to share a room with the clone queen. Nicole didn't even bother to look at us she was too busy staring at Calum. Cal walked over to Rosa and I, he saw Nicole staring, all he did was place an arm around my waist and kissed my cheek. They turned crimson and he noticed. He just smiled and said.

"Sorry I've wanted to do that all day."

. . . . . ... . . . . ... . . . ...


Arlyn if your reading this i hope you like the chapter and are pleased with your character, sorry if you don't have black hair it only because i had to guess what you looked like :D

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