"...It doesn't matter." she said. "I don't want to talk about it. At least not for now."

The Doctor turned around to look her in the eye.

"Are you okay?"

The horse stopped and they jumped off, his hands grabbing her by the waist and helping her off. They were right at the end of the forest, not far away from the castle. The Doctor thought it would be a good idea to walk the way there, since all the soldiers were informed about their disappearence. They needed to be very quiet.

"Yeah. I am. Only a bit disturbed by the fact that you do not have a plan, but still going towards the castle. Tell me Doc, have you lost your mind?"

"Don't..just, don't call me like that. I am the Doctor." he pointed out "Also, who said I don't have a plan?"

"Uhh..you did..?"

"That was couple of minutes ago, Rose. Don't underestimate a Timelord."

"Okay, sorry mister genius of planet Mars."


"Yeah, Gallefrai. Or whatever. What's the plan?" she crossed her arms. They moved with the shadows.

"It's a bit funny how John didn't find it weird that those pockets were so much bigger."

"Don't tell me, another Timelord thing? No wonder the King has the same damn thing."

"Yup! And.." he deepened his hand inside one of his bigger on the inside pockets "I have this."

The Doctor took out a blue machinery with three little lights on its right side.

"No, wait.." he took a look at it "That's a hairdryer. Why in the heavens do I have a hairdryer inside my pocket? It must've been Rose. She always does that. Wait a minute, wait a minute. I have got this."

Once again, he grabbed something and pulled it out. This time, a very strange and geometic red kind of metal. It looked just like a star, only with six arms, and on each arm a circle sign Rose couldn't understand.

"What is that?" she asked pointing at it.

"This here" he held it up "It's a vortex manipulator. Well, a very old one. They dont make them anymore these days. The technology advanced so much, it looks different."

"You lost me on the road. And what is it doing?"

"Well, transports you everywhere and everywhen in Time and Space. If I could only find my Sonic Screwdriver, I could connect it to it."

"And how is that going to help us?"

"I am going to transport the King in..let me think, 51st Century, on a prison planet called Terusca."

"Wait, you mean that's your 'briliant' plan?! My life depends on your simple and 'has to-go' plan?"

"Yup." he replied popping the 'p'

"You are completely insane." she gave him a puzzled look.

"But you do still trust me." he smiled.

Of course she did. At least she thought she was. And not to say, it was the only option she had. Rose wouldn't fancy running away and living on the streets like a dog without a home. So yeah, she was going to stick with him.

"But what if he comes back? I mean, he knows how to use a vorte..vorte..a THING like that, doesn't he?" she said, worried.

"Nope. Auto destruction. That's why I need the Sonic Screwdriver. I can't seem to find it."

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