Chapter 1

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The Doctor tried everything to stabilize the Tardis. He flipped and switched buttons on the panels, but in the end, there was no other choice. They were going to crash.

"Rose! Hold onto something!" he yelled, looking back at his companion who was desperatly trying to avoid getting hurt.

"I'm trying to!" she said.

This wasn't supposed to happen. No. And the Doctor was sure of it. But it still did, and he didn't know the reason. Funny, because he always knew. Weeelll, mostly.

The only thing left to do was  wait until they reached the destination, he thought.

Rose placed her hands on the metal bottom of the jump seat and waited for the impact. She closed her eyes, whilst the Doctor laughed.

"This is it!!" he yelled one more time before the Tardis crashed on land, making the two survivors fall on the metal ground.

The girl flung her eyes open and stood, rubbing the back of her neck. She searched for him.


"Wohooohoo!" he jumped "Now that's what I call adventure, Rose Tyler! Allons-y! Molto bene! Ha!"

His reaction made her crack a smile in the corner of her mouth. She ran towards him to look at the computer  whose screen displayed all sorts of circles and things she couldn't really understand.

"What's happened to her? Is she alright?"

Rose moved one of her hands on the Doctor's shoulder and gently squeezed it. He turned his head to face her.

"Yeah. Looks like something's just dragged us here. She'll need a week to recover before we can go."

"You mean we're stuck here?"

"Yep!" he replied, popping the 'p' 

"So, where are we?" Rose asked. She leaned against the console.

"The question is, when are we? I can't sense it. It should work. My time senses are not working."

"Is it the Tardis?" she gently stroked the time machine.

"Maybe. Or maybe not. I'm not sure." he pondered. "I hope she'll still be able to translate. I'm not worried for me, but for you. I can speak a lot of languages."

"And what if she doesn't?"

"Well if she doesn't, Rose Tyler, I'll be your personal translator." he smirked.

"Oh, will you now?" she returned his smile. 

They stared at each other for a second until the Doctor asked,

 "What do you say? Fancy a trip outside?" he wiggled his eyebrows.

Rose nodded. The Doctor approached and offered his arm. They walked together towards the TARDIS' door to open it, then stepped outside.

"Opreste-te exact unde esti! Nu te misca! Mainile sus, voi doi!!"

"What?!" they simultaneously jumped.

Ten to fifteen men were standing right in front of them, their swords pointing. They were wearing black uniforms with a golden L- Shape on their chest. A lot of them looked young. Maybe a bit too young, Rose noticed.

The Doctor took a little step forward as in to protect Rose, then glared at the soldiers.

"We're not here to harm anyone! We just landed and we come in peace. You do not need to point the swords at us." he spoke as he held Rose's hand.

"Generale! Ce propuneti?" one of the men turned towards another.

"Propun sa ii prezentam in fata regelui."

The girl shook her head confused. The Doctor was right. The Tardis needed to heal herself. She couldn't translate anymore.

"Doctor? What are they saying?" Rose whispered into the Doctor's ear. He blinked twice and sighed before turning his head.

"They want us to come with them. They say we need to face the king, so that he can make a decision."

Three soldiers approached, still threatening, and pointed north. That's where they were going.

"They want us to follow them." He said, then took a tighter grip of Rose's hand.

The castle they were escorted to started to show up in the picture. Four thin, round towers are both a defensive and decorational aspect of this elegant castle and were connected by high, narrow walls made of dark grey stone.Multiple windows were scattered here and there around the walls in seemingly perfect symmetry, along with overhanging crenelations for archers and artillery.

A moderate gate with broad metal doors, a bridge and torches guard the inhabitants of this castle and it's the only way in, if you can make it that is. Trees grow close to the castle gates and provide it with valuable wood for all sorts of purposes. This castle has clearly stood the test of time and its inhabitants are intent on making sure it stays that way for ages to come.

"Where are we, Doctor?" Rose's voice made his attention fall onto her.

"Well, let's see." He licked his index finger, then put it in the air. "Romania, 1830. And that there" he pointed forwards "Is The Bran Castle."

"Really? Like, for real? Heard all sorts of vampire stories came from this place."

"Well, let's just say that this place is full of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey, things."

"I can't believe you just said that." she laughed.

"Why? What's wrong with it?"

"It sounds so..wrong."

"Oi!" he protested "It sounds brilliant! Just like me!"

They walked for about another 10 minutes until they reached the castle's metal gate and stopped.

"Veti astepta." a big man warned.The Doctor nodded and waited, as told. The castle wasn't the biggest one he has ever seen, but it was quite magnificent. Its outside walls were covered in tangled flowers and its windows were painted in all sorts of beautiful colors.

"This is ..this is so nice!" Rose exclaimed in excitement.

He grinned at her before turning away when a tall and ginger woman approached them."Good day! My name is Maria from Banat. May I ask you your name before we can go visit the King? He is waiting."

"Oh, yes! Hello, sorry. My name is the Doctor and this is Rose Tyler." the Doctor smiled.

"Very well, Doctor and dame Rose. You may enter."

This is a re-edited version of The King's Desire. Hope you enjoy the better grammar. :)


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