Chapter 17

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That evening, she enjoyed a full course meal and the company of the King.
She sat down at the table, right besides her future husband, and silently sighed to herself.

"Is everything alright, my dear?" the Master asked, laying one of his hand on hers.

Rose took another bite of fresh baked bread, then looked up at the man besides her.

"Just a bit of a rough day, I think." she smiled "All the running and cold wind kind of sucked my energy, my King."

And how she bloody hated lying to him. Yes, she did feel a bit dizzy. But her mind wasn't preoccupied with tiredness. Her mind was distracted with the toxicity of that blue box and the Doctor. The truth and the lies, the sacrifice and love.

Rose took a sip from her glass of water,.

"If that's the case," the King's voice made itself heard "I can no longer let you sleep in that cold and full of loneliness bedroom, Rose. You are worrying me."

"Wait, what are yo-"

"You will be joining me tonight, my dear. I am afraid to ever leave you alone again. You are like sand, Rose. I can't hold you in my hand forever. And I accept no excuses."

With that, he stood up leaning in to press a warm kiss on her cheek.

"I'll be off to our room. Come when you're ready."

She felt shocked for a whole moment, astonished even. Worried? Embarrased? Sleeping besides the King? Not a bad idea.
She loved him, of course she did. Even after all the craziness, he was still there, right beside her. She was not alone. But her brain felt like crashing and breaking in hundreds and hundreds of pieces; and what if the King expected more than just resting and sleeping? What if he wanted HER that night?

She stood up her chair rubbing the back of her neck in exasperation. She arranged her dress then left. It was a silent evening; no servants, no soldiers, no people around. It felt kinda weird. Just her and the full moon.

Rose leaned against the window. It smelled like winter, like ice and snow, but still a bit sweet. 

"Amazing isn't it?" a voice beside her pointed out.

She turned around. In front of her stood John, both his hands in his pockets. She could only see his profile, his face lines and curves. His deep brown eyes, his mouth, jawline and manly neck. He looked quite appealing in the moon's light. Actually, he looked more than appealing. He looked attractive and captivating.
Rose wondered if the Doctor looked as good as him, if he existed.

But that is just a story, she reminded to herself.

"John," the girl smiled "What do you mean?"

"All of this." he pointed at the sky. " The Moon, the Stars, the nothingness..the clouds. Everything. We live in this world, but we never ask ourselves."

"Ask what?" her heart almost skipped a beat as the man turned around to smile.

What was going on with her?

"How it all works" John closed his eyes " The Galaxy, the Solar System, the Planets... I sometimes dream, this man. Incredible man, lonely, with a dark past. His heart is broken..Hundreds and hundreds of pieces. So many pieces as the stars he saw. And planets he saved. He touched them, he breathed the air and smelled the Galaxy. And even if he falls in love, he still feels lonely. Because he's sure, that she will never love him back."

"Who is this man?" 

John sighed, shaking his head in dissapointment.

"I don't know who he is. His name is hidden in the shadows of his thoughts, blurry in the void of life."

"Sounds sad.." Rose replied, a sad smile changing her expression. "But as you said, is just a dream."

"You know, that's the funny thing. Even if I can't see his face and hear his voice, even if I know is just a feels so real. I wish you could see it too. Through my mind."

"Oh, don't be silly, John. Nobody can see the Universe. Nor the Galaxy. They are just stories."

"Really?" he gave her a puzzled look "That's not what you said to me two days ago."

Her face turned towards his. His words were weird. It felt like a mixture of confusion and concern.

"What do you mean?" she finally replied crossing her arms, arching one eyebrow.

"What happened to you, Rose?"

"W-what do you mean? I am completely fine."

"No, I mean it. Something is off, something is odd and wrong, and I can't understand it."

"J-John? What are you talk-"

"How come you're not calling me the Doctor anymore?"

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