Chapter 11

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She gently squeezed the psychic paper at her chest.

Yes. The Doctor was still there, and if there was anything she needed in that moment, was the Hope he just gave her.

Something that could bring her back on her feet again, something that could make her fight. Something that could make her win.

' need a hand to hold.' she remember what the Doctor once said.

"Oh, Doctor. And how I would like to hold your hand right now."

As she stood back up, a knock on the door made its presence.

"Miss Rose, may I enter?"

Her heart dropped. It was his voice.

"Come in." she said.

The Doctor stepped in, his eyes looking around the room. Creepy room, he thought.

"You cried, miss." he faced her "Why did you cry?"

"Please stop calling me like that." she protested placing her hands on her hips "It's just Rose."

The Doctor placed what seemed like a red night gown on the bed. She felt disgusted just by looking at it. As if she was gonna wear that. Hah! Not in a million years.

"Tell me Doc-.. John. Where were you born?" she tried to seem casual.

"In the beautiful Arad, 1790. Why?"

"I wonder." she pursed her lips "Have you got a family? Kids?"

This question made the Doctor, or rather John, hesitate for a moment. He put his hands in his pockets.

Rose realized, for a short moment. The question was hurting him. Just like the Doctor. Both this men had something in common, and it wasn't just the body.

"I used to have." he sighed "A wife and two Kids. I can still remember that bright reddish orange and the fire that burned and burned...and burned uncontrolably. The two bastards that yelled 'Exterminate' died that day too. I am glad. How I would like to see them suffer again. "

He walked past Rose and sat on the edge of a chair.

"Sometimes I have those dreams.. where a blonde girl whose face I cannot see, takes my hand and draggs me out of the pit, making me feel protected. Like she's always there for me. I wish I could meet her, but we all know it's just a dream."

Oh, this bloody Master. How could he just rewrite the Doctor's entire history? He made this new man, John Smith, dream about the truth and see his past on the same line as the Doctor's. And he looked so alone and hurt. No wonder he and the Time Lord are the same person. Both of them are hiding thet rage underneath their skin.

She cracked a sad smile in the corner of her mouth, laying one of her hands on his cheek.

"I know you are still there." she said "And I am gonna save you."

"What?" John asked.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll meet her...that blonde girl."

"Maybe." The Doctor took a deep breath. "Well then, shall I help you put this on?" he pointed at the gown.

"I'm not wearing that." Rose scoffed.

"King's orders."

"Well he can take his orders and stick them up his a-"

"Please, miss Rose. He will punish me otherwise."

Her face fell. He will what?!
She fell on the bed in defeat. Hermino...well, the Master, knew how to hit her right where it hurt. He must've known she would never accept to wear something like this. At least not for him. That's why he sent the Doctor. To put him on display.

"Fine. But I'll do it myself. You just...stand there in the corner and don't look." she lifted her index finger up. "Don't even peak."

"Yes, ma'am."

After changing her clothes and dumping the blue dress in a pile, the Doctor bent down to collect the broken pieces of...fabric, at this point. He then looked in awe at the woman.

"What?" Rose asked.

"Nothing. Just, you look beautiful."

"Thank you."

"I mean it. No wonder the king wants you as his Queen."

And that's when everything broke. Her soul, her heart, her brain, her everything.

This man just reminded her once again the most horrifying thing that was going to happen.

Hello, guys. I am very sorry I couldn't write anymore, but my Internet is not working and right now I am standing in the Library and typing. Sorry.

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