Chapter 21

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"As I said" the Timelord arranged his tie "Doesn't matter. Now, miss Rose Tyler, fancy a visit to the King?"

He looped his arm and waited for the girl to connect hers with his, then pulled the door open and exited the time machine.

It felt so much like John, his scent was the same, his voice, his reaction. Really, everything was like a copy. Only that this person seemed even more crazier. And seemed to know her a bit too well.

The girl ran her free hand through her hair. Exasperated.

"Do you have a plan?" she asked, hopping on the horse. She waited for him, and as he took the reins, they started moving.

"Plan? No. Ideas, yes. Which I am not sure if they would work. But, I'll find a way. I always do, I mean. look at me, I am brilliant!"

"You think you're so impressive!" Rose scoffed.

"Deja vü. That's the Rose I know. And yes, I am so impressive."

"You wish." she smiled "Anyhow, you need to be careful."

"Huh? Why?"

"He is dangerous."

"Who? The Master? Of course he is, he is a Timelord afterall. A very old and lonely Timelord."

"TIMELORD? The King?! That's impossible! He is not like you, and excuse me for saying this, but you are ridiculous! The King wouldn't be able to cut a tomato without help, and you are saying he's a Timelord?!"

"Yup. A very lonely one. And old." he nodded. After a couple of seconds she broke the silence again.

"Sounds like somebody I already know, Doctor.."

"Yeah? Who?" he looked at her, a question mark written all over his face."Oh, you were talking about me!"

"I never thought you could be so thick. From what John said about you, it sounded so fantastic. So amazing. And right now, the only thing I can see is a 4 year old pretending to be smart."

"Oi! 900!"

"What?" she furrowed her brows.

"900. I am 900 years old!"

"Really?!" her eyes widened "Oh, well. Still not impressed AND still a..4 year old pretending to be smart."

The Doctor let out a silent giggle. Yep. This was Rose Tyler, no doubt. Just a bit different, that's all. Well, a bit more different. This woman was like a doppelgänger, her smile, her laughs, her voice were the same, of course they were. But he didn't need this Rose. He needed HIS Rose. The one who would argue with him and laugh at his stupid jokes, the one who knew how to react when seeing an alien, the one who smelled like morning flowers, the one he loved. That Rose Tyler.

He was ready to do anything to bring her back, and tell her. Tell her the 3 words that were kept inside him all this time. The 3 words that should've been spelled such long time ago. The 3 words..

"I love you.." the Doctor whispered to himself, in which case, Rose almost heard.

"What did you say?"

"Nothing, Rose. Just murmuring to myself." he sighed "Tell me..Are you ready for this?"

"For what?"

"Look ahead."

She raised her head and looked forwards, her air stopping.

"What the hell is going on?!" Rose exclaimed.

"I think the King found out you were missing, Rose. Where were you the last time he saw you?"

Her heart shrunk.

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