Part 13

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(A/N BTW I don't own the music. I just thought it would be cool for this chapter. I might add more music in more chapters. I love the avatar soundtrack :) )

~~Yugi's POV~~

As the Pharaoh's 'special guest' I had to get a proper dress. Which lead to me going to a group of girls to get a proper fitting. I was not comfortable... at all.

"Stop squirming! I can't get exact measurements!" one of the girls complained.

She seemed so familiar... I couldn't put my finger on it.

"My apologies... whats your name?" I asked her.

"Mana." she said and shook my hand. I felt the blood drain from my face. She was the warrior I let go in the last battle.

"Hey you look familiar.... have I met you before?"

"Uh... no. I don't remember." I laughed nervously. "Oh well, I should probably get going." I made up a quick excuse and left the room.

"Wait a minute we-"

I quickly shut the door and ran towards Joey's room.

"GET YA HANDS OFF OF ME!" I heard him scream and a crashing sound. I opened the door and saw Joey throwing brushes and other things at the women.

"ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS MEASURE YOUR WAIST!" a blond girl screamed back.



"I need to speak with Seto's partner alone please." I said.

The girl Joey called Mai folded her arms "Fine but I'm only gonna give you a couple minutes." she walked out of the door and slammed it shut.

"Can you believe her Yugi! She actually thought I was going to let her-"

"Joey!" I interupted "This is serious. Someone in the palace might know who I am."

Joey's face paled "What! Who?" he started panicking.

"A girl name Mana who I had be a messenger for me. She doesn't know it's me yet but she said that I was familiar. I'm going to sneak into the Pharaoh's room tonight and read the scrolls. You just be ready to escape right after the ball okay?" I said.

Joey nodded "Okay. Just be careful Yugi."


It was only an hour before the ball when I went into the Pharaoh's room. Atemu was in his bathing chambers getting ready... perfect. I just had to be careful not to make a sound. I was already ready for the ball so all I had to do now was go in, go out, go to the ball, and then get out of here. I felt my heart throb at the thought of leaving.

I walked over to his desk and saw the gold box. I carefully opened it and started reading as fast as I could. As I was reading my eyes widened.

"No... they can't...." I dropped the scroll on the ground.

"What? Who's there?" Atemu yelled from his bath.

I quickly picked up the scroll and put it back. I put the gold box back under his desk and ran out the door.

"Yuki? Is that you?"

my hand froze on the door handle.

"Your early Yuki. I'm not even dressed yet." Atemu said.

I turned around and saw that he was right. I quickly covered my eyes and I heard Atemu laughing at me.

"Your so cute. Just let me get ready and then we can go."

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