Chapter 16

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Elijah's POV

I am so confused. I thought that if I kissed Autumn, I would get over Reagan. I still have strong feelings for both of them. I have no idea what I'm supposed to do. I know I should forget about Reagan. She's with Demetri. I just can't get over her though. I have barely talked to Autumn since the day I kissed her and I feel really bad about it. I really need to figure out my feelings soon.

I just need to forget about everything for now. I just need to clear my head.

Tonight, I'm meeting my mom's boyfriend, Ronald, and his daughter. This should be interesting. According to my mom, he's a nice guy. I really don't want to go through this dinner though.

Just before Ronald is supposed to get here, I notice that Autumn isn't here.


"What?" She asks.

"Where's Autumn?" I ask.

"She went to go visit her little sister."

"How? She doesn't have a drivers license."

"Her mom picked her up." I really don't trust that. I hope she's okay. I don't trust her mom at all.

All of a sudden, the doorbell rings.

"Oh my gosh, they're here. Riley! Get down here!" Mom yells.

"I can't! My readers need me!" Riley shouts from upstairs.

"Readers?" Mom asks me.

"She's probably talking about Wattpad."

"What's Wattpad?"

"Just some website. A bunch of stories."

"Riley! Get down here," she tells me as she opens the door. Riley comes down the stairs. "Hi Ronald," mom says. Her smile is huge. She must really like this guy.

"Hello, Helen," Ronald says as he walks in. "Get in here," he says. He must be talking to his daughter. She walks in and immediately stares at me in shock. "Helen, this is my daughter, Reagan."

"It's nice to meet you," Mom says. Oh my God. Riley starts laughing next to me.

"This must be the definition of hell for you," Riley whispers in my ear. She's right. This is hell.

Autumn's POV

I can't believe I have a little sister. A baby sister. I am so excited to meet her. Summer. That's such a pretty name. I wonder if she looks like me. She probably looks like her own father.

The car ride with my mom is a little awkward though. We don't have anything to talk about. What she did to me is unforgivable. Leaving me with that monster. What was she thinking?

We pull up to a house and mom leads me inside. I immediately see a man sitting on the couch.

"Autumn, this is Marc, my husband." Marc stands up and shakes my hand.

"Nice to meet you," he says.

"Nice to meet you too," I say. I look around the room and I see a playpen. Inside of it is a beautiful baby girl.

"And this is Summer. You two look exactly alike," Mom says. I walk up to the playpen and Summer looks up at me. "Do you want to hold her?" Mom asks me.

"Yeah." Mom picks her up and places her in my arms. Holding her feels amazing. She's my little sister.

I ate dinner with mom and Marc and Summer. Mom and I started talking again. It didn't feel as awkward as earlier and I'm glad. No matter what she did to me, she's still my mother.

Once we were done with dinner, my mom drove me home.

"Autumn, Ive been wanting to ask you something," mom says before I get out of the car.

"What is it?"

"Do you want to come live with me?"

Reagan's POV

Wow. My dad is dating Elijah's mom. But I'm not thinking about that. Demetri is cheating on me. I just can't believe it. I thought that he really liked me. I am still stunned even though Kandy told me that yesterday. I just don't understand. It's probably because I wouldn't sleep with him. He's such a jerk.

What am I going to say to Demetri? I am just so pissed. I'm heartbroken. I wasn't enough for him. He wasn't happy with me. He is such a slut. It makes it all even worse because he cheated on me with the one girl I hate the most.

I'm definitely breaking up with him. But how? I really want him to get the message. I don't know what to say or how to say it.

I walk outside and stand on the porch. I shouldn't be so nervous but I am. I loved him. I never thought I would have to do this. I never expected him to cheat on me.

I dial his number and wait for him to pick up. This isn't going to be pretty.

Demetri's POV

What the hell was Kandy talking about? I can't believe she wants a relationship with me. If I weren't with Reagan, then I would really want to be with her. I just need to tell Reagan that I was cheating on her before I worry about Kandy. This is going to be extremely tough. I really care about reagan. I don't want to hurt her.

My phone starts ringing. I see that the call is from Reagan. I should probably tell her now. Is that cowardly to do it over the phone? It is. I'm afraid of what she'd do to me if I told her in person.

"Reagan, I really need to tell you...."

"Demetri, you are lying, disgusting, deceitful, dick and I never want to see your cheating ass ever again. You bastard," she says before she hangs up. Oh my God. Kandy told her. Shit. That's what Kandy meant. What was she thinking? I need to talk to her. Reagan is so beyond pissed.

"Hey Dem." Kandy says over the phone.

"What the hell is wrong with you?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't be stupid. You know exactly what I'm talking about. Why did you tell Reagan?"

"She was going to find out anyway."

"I was going to tell her! Not you! If you thought that this would make me want to be with you, think again," I say before I hang up. Kandy is probably pissed at me too. Am I going to lose everyone I care about in one night?

Kandy's POV

Even though that was completely heartbreaking, it's the least of my problems. My life is over. I really need to tell someone about this. I can't tell Demetri. He's pissed at me. He needs to find out soon. Just not today. Brystal is the only option. So I call her.

"Hey Kandy."

"Brystal, my life is over."

"I'm sure whatever it is, it isn't that bad."

"Believe me, it's bad."

"What did you break a nail or something?"

"I'm pregnant."

"Holy shit. Who's the daddy?"

"Isn't it obvious?"

"Oh my god. Did you tell him yet?"

"No. I needed to tell you first."

"Well, I'm flattered that you chose to tell me first.. But you need to tell Demetri like now. It's his baby."

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