Chapter 13

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Elijah's POV

"What do you need to get from your old house?" I ask Autumn.

"My necklace," she says. What's so special about a necklace? Well, it must be important to her.

"Do you think your dad is home?" I ask.

"He's never home on Saturdays," she says.

"Okay," I agree. We get in the car and start driving. She directs me to her house, which seems far away. Eventually, we pull up to a very small house. We both get out of the car and walk up to the house. Autumn gets a key out from underneath the doormat.

"Wait out here," she says as she disappears into the house. I finally have time to think. I need to think. Why did I almost kiss Autumn? I love Reagan. What was going through my head? It all seems like a blur now. What would have happened if I really did kiss her? What if Riley didn't show up at that exact moment? Did Autumn want me to kiss her? She didn't exactly back away. I wonder what it would feel like. Autumn's really sweet and smart and beautiful. I guess I kind of like her.

What am I saying? Reagan is....I really need to get over Reagan. She's with Demetri. She "loves" Demetri. I have no chance of getting in between them. I tell myself this over and over and over again but, I can't get over her. Why? It's killing me. It kills me when I see Reagan holding Demetri's hand. Why can't I be the one that gets to hold her hand? I don't understand.

Someone taps my shoulder, causing me to jump. I turn around and I see a woman.

"Who are you?" I ask her.

"I could ask you the same thing," she asks.

"I'm Elijah. My friend kind of used to live here and she's getting something," I say. Her eyes widen in shock.

"Autumn's here?"

"So, who are you?"

Autumn's POV

As we were driving to my house, I kept telling myself that I would run in, get the locket, and leave. But, once I got in the house, I stood in one spot, for about five minutes, taking in my surroundings. When I lived here, I managed to keep it looking nice-ish. I haven't been gone for very long. How did it get like this?

The wooden coffee table is now broken into pieces. There are broken bottles on the carpet. The pictures that used to hang on the wall, are thrown everywhere. What happened? Well, there's nothing to do about. So, I walk into the hall and into my room. Nothing has changed. It's exactly how I left it. The door is off the hinges but other than that, it's nice and tidy. Dad broke the door awhile ago. The memory of when that happened still brings tears to my eyes.

I walk over to my bed and I lift my pillow. My locket is right there where I left it. I open it and I see my great-grandparents. I'm very glad that nothing happened to this. It means so much to me.

I hear the sound of footsteps in the hallway. That must be Elijah.

"Let me just grab some clothes, Elijah. Then we can go," I say. I turn around, expecting to see him but, I see him and a face that I thought I'd never have to see again.

"Mom?" Elijah stands in the doorway and my mom enters the room.

"Oh my God. Autumn, you're all grown up. You're so beautiful," she says. She walks towards me but I take a step back. I don't want her touching me. I don't even want to be talking to her. I hate her. "I'm sorry." She knows why I'm mad.

"Why? Why did you leave me?" I ask.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. What has happened since I left?"

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