Chapter 2

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Elijah's POV

As soon as I get home from tutoring, I decide to call Reagan. I'm pretty sure she's still upset about the break up and I want to be the one to comfort her. She'll be so grateful that I was there for her that she'll love me. Maybe that will get me out of the friend zone. I am desperate to get out of the friend zone. So, I dial her number and wait for her to pick up.


"Hi, it's me," I say.

"How are you, E?"



"I just wanted to see how you were doing. Because of the break up and all." She doesn't say anything at first.

"Oh yeah. It's been hard," she says. I can tell she's upset. "I just don't know why he broke up with me."

"He's just stupid. Any guy would be lucky to be with you because you are an amazing girl," I say. She better start loving me now.

"Thank you, E. Why can't I find a nice guy like you?" she asks. Um, she has found a nice guy like me. ME! I just want to scream it at her. Who would say something like that to their guy friend? Wow, I'm pissed. Why would she even think that it's okay to say something like that to me? What is she thinking?

"What the hell?" I accidentally say out loud.

"Are you talking to me?" Reagan asks. Damn it!

"Uh no, I was talking to my sister. Anyway, I was wondering..."


"I just wanted to ask..." I stop because I hear a beeping sound. "Hold on. I have another call." I switch lines.

Autumn's POV

I sit outside on the porch, shaking, waiting for Elijah to pick up the phone. Why didn't the neighbors hear my screams?

"Hello?" Elijah asks, making my heart skip. I don't know why I decided to call him. I just needed to talk to someone after what Dad did and Elijah was the first person I thought of.

"Hey Elijah. It's Autumn. Autumn Clarke," I say.

"Oh hey! What's up?" He asks.

"I'm sorry if I'm bothering you. I just wanted to talk to someone." I can barely speak between my sobs.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"I.." I can't speak. I just start crying.

"Autumn?" I still can't respond. "Okay, just calm down, I'm coming over. What's your address?"

"No!" I yell. I don't want him coming here. But, I do want to see him. "Don't come over."

"Okay. me at the park," he says.

"Alright," I say. He hangs up the phone. I get up and I start walking to the park. It's close to my house so I don't have to drive. I don't know what's going to happen when I see Elijah. I can't tell him everything. How am I supposed to tell a boy that I barely know that my own father raped me?

Reagan's POV

While I'm waiting for Elijah, I decide to call Demetri.

"What's up, sexy?" He says. Thank God he isn't here or he would see me blushing.

"I just wanted to get back to you about Friday," I say.

"Oh really? So, you wanna go out with me?" 

"Alright, I'll go out with you."

"Okay so a movie, some dinner, maybe a little dessert," he says with his seductive voice. Oh my God, he gives me goosebumps.

"Yes. Hold on I have another call waiting," I say as i switch lines.

"Reagan?" Elijah asks.


"I have to go meet a friend."

"What were you going to ask me before you switched lines?" I ask.

"Oh...I was going to ask you if you wanted to see a movie with me on Friday," he says.

"I'm sorry, I have a date with Demetri on Friday."

"Damn," he says.

"What?" I ask.

"Oh not you. My sister again."

"What is she doing?" I ask.

"Being stupid."

"What exactly is she doing?"

"She's um..."

"She's what?"

"Gotta go. Bye," He says as he hangs up. I switch lines again. Dem isn't there. Well, now, I am bored. What am I going to do while I wait for him?

Demetri's POV

While I'm waiting for Reagan, I get a call from Kandy. Other than Reagan, she's the only person I want to talk to right now.

"What's up, sexy?" I ask.

"Oh Dem. You always know just what to say," she says.

"Well, Kandy, you are as sweet as candy," I say. I don't understand why girls like that cheesy, sappy shit but hey, it works.

"Oh Dem. My parents aren't home tonight."

"Oh really?"

"Do you wanna have a sleepover?" she asks. Well, I guess I have plans for tonight.

"I'll be right over, my angel," I say.

"Hurry." She hangs up and I switch lines.

"Reagan?" I ask.

"I'm here."

"I have to go. My grandmother is sick and I'm going to bring her some soup," I say. Thank the Lord, I'm a good liar.

"Aw! You are so sweet!"

"Not as sweet as you."


"Bye, Reagan."

"Bye, Demetri."

 Kandy's POV

As soon as, I get off the phone with Dem, I go downstairs and I find my parents. Shit. What are they doing here?

"What are you still doing here?" I ask.

"The trip was postponed. We are actually leaving tomorrow," Daddy says. Oh God. What's going to happen when Dem gets here?

"I uh... invited a friend over for dinner. Is that alright with you?" I ask.

"Of course it is, sweetheart. Who did you invite?" Mom asks me.

"Demetri Smith."

"Oh he's a nice boy. I think Kendall has just finished making dinner," Mom says as they both walk out of the room. Well, that ruins my plans. Shit, what's going to happen when Dem gets here? This isn't going to be good.

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