Chapter 9

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Elijah's POV

When Kandy's lips touch mine, I'm paralyzed with shock. After a few seconds, I push her away. I'm too shocked to say anything at first. Almost everybody is staring at us, including Reagan, Demetri, and Autumn. Shit. Reagan stands there, looking shocked. Shit. Demetri and Autumn just walk away. Shit.

"Kandy!" I shout.

"What?" she asks as if she didn't just kiss me.

"What the hell?"


"Why did you kiss me?" I ask.

"I don't..." She doesn't even finish her sentence. She just walks away. Shit shit shit. Reagan saw that. Shit. She hates Kandy. She just loathes Kandy. I know that I'm going to have to talk to a lot of people about what happened. Nobody will forget about this. Reagan will definitely not forget about this.

Reagan starts walking away. Dammit! I need to talk to her.

"Reagan!" I shout. She starts walking faster. "Reagan!" I shout again as I chase after her.

"I don't really want to talk to you right now," she says.

"Reagan! It's wasn't like that!" She walks out the front doors of the school. "Kandy!" I start shouting. Why the hell did she kiss me? What did I do to make her think that it was okay? "Kandy!" I finally find her talking to Demetri. He looks pretty damn pissed. "Kandy, we need to..."

"Not right now, Elijah," she says. Excuse me? What the hell? Well, I can't talk to her and I can't talk to Reagan. Autumn is standing at her locker so I guess I should talk to her.

Autumn's POV

I was just about to go and talk to Elijah when he and Kandy kissed. I feel heartbroken. I want to cry. I want bang my head against a wall. I hate Kandy. I can't believe Elijah would do that. I...

But, I have no right to feel that way. Elijah doesn't know that I like him. Kandy isn't the worst person on the planet. I shouldn't hate her. I still feel heartbroken though. Why would he kiss her? They have been talking to each other a lot lately. I just didn't think Elijah would like a girl like Kandy.

I walk to my locker. I was starting to think that Elijah might like me. I guess not. Well, if he wants to be with Kandy, then I support his decision.

"Hey, Autumn," Elijah says from behind me. I turn around and I see him. He looks frustrated.

"Hey. So, you and Kandy?"

"No no no no no no no no no no you got it all wrong," he says really fast.

"Are you a couple?" I ask.

"No no no. I was just talking to her and she kissed me. I am not happy about it," he says, looking serious. I guess I believe him.

"Why would she kiss you?"

"I don't even know. But, I'm scared." We both start laughing.

"Okay. I was wondering why you would like a girl like Kandy."

"Oh no. I don't like her. I'll talk to her soon."

"Don't get kissed again," I say. He smiles.

"I wont. Let's go," he says. I still haven't gotten used to him saying that. We live at the same house and everything but....I don't know. I like hearing it.

Reagan's POV

Oh my God. What the hell? Why would Elijah kiss Kandy? Kandy! Out of all the girls in the school. I wanted him to move on from me but I didn't want him to pick Kandy. Kandy is probably the worst person he could've picked. Kandy is such a bitch and she is such a slut. Elijah always used to tell me that he was afraid of her. It just doesn't make sense at all. I just don't understand. Elijah wouldn't do something like that. But, he did.

Thank God the school day is over. I don't want to be there anymore. I get in my car and I start driving home. As I'm driving, I get a text from Elijah.

E: Are you mad at me?

Me: yes

E: It's not what you think.

Me: why did you kiss kandy?

E: I didn't. She kissed me.

Me: why would she do that?

E: I don't know. I'm going to talk to her.

Me: okay

E: So, you're not mad at me anymore?

E: Reagan?

E: Hello?

E: Where'd you go?

E: Reagan?

E: I'll talk to you later then.

Demetri's POV

What the hell? Kandy just kissed Elijah? Or did Elijah kiss Kandy? Or what the hell happened? No. He doesn't get to kiss Kandy. Kandy is mine. Well, no. I have a girlfriend. I have no right to be mad. Reagan is my girlfriend. But, no. She's still mine. I don't want anybody kissing her but me. Especially not Elijah. Elijah is the last person I would want kissing my girl. But, she's not my girl. God dammit! I don't even know what to....I can't even think straight. Reagan is mine. But, Kandy has always been mine.

I need to clear my head so I walk to my locker. I can't have both of them. I can't have a good relationship with Reagan if I keep worrying about Kandy. Kandy doesn't want a steady relationship. I'm just so damn confused. 

"Demetri?" Kandy says from behind me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"Don't be mad at Elijah. It was all my fault," she says.

"Why would you kiss him?"


"I just don't get it. You never even talk to Elijah."


"It doesn't make sense."

"Demetri! I kissed him because I like him. He's the only guy that treats me nice and I just kissed him." I treat her nice. What is she talking about?

"I treat you nice."

"You have a whore...I mean, girlfriend." She just walks away.

Kandy's POV

I am so sick of this. Everybody is giving me shit for kissing Elijah. It's no big deal. I don't even know what I was doing. He was just talking to me and I just kissed him. He pushed me away too soon. I liked kissing him. I was left wanting more. He obviously wasn't very happy about it. That's kind of a slap in the face. He doesn't like me.

"Did you really kiss Elijah?" A girl I don't even know asks.

"Walk away, now." She does as she's told, looking a bit scared.

"Hey Kandy..." Brystal starts to say.

"Shut the hell up," I interrupt.

"I was just going to ask you about the homework. You don't need to get sassy," she says as she walks away. She must have a lot of balls to say that to me. I like that. I think I've found my new best friend.

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