Chapter 26

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Riker smiled when he woke up in Curt's bed. "Daddy!" he shook Curt lightly. Curt mumbled something unitelligible and pulled Riker closer. "Daddy!" Riker pouted and shook his arm. "Wake up."

"What?" Curt mumbled sleepily.

"Daddy I wanna go swimming." Riker whined.

Curt blinked sleepily. "Baby you can't swim this early. You have to wait till after lunch."

Riker pouted. "But wanna swim now!"

"No baby. No swimming till at least after breakfast."

Riker jumped up. "Come on daddy come make breakfast." he said, grabbbing Curt's hand and tugging on it to try and get him up and out of bed.

Curt chuckled. "Give daddy a minute baby. He's got to get up and get some clothes on."

"But daddy wearing clothes. His princey parts all covered." Riker said, giggling.

"I know baby, but I need a shirt and pants too." Curt said, getting out of bed. He went over to his dresser and pulled out a t-shirt and some sweat pants. He pulled them on.

"Now let's go daddy!" Riker said.

"Not quite. We've got to brush our teeh first." he said.

Riker huffed and pouted. "But daddy..."

"No buts baby clean teeth are smiley teeth. Right?"

"Right daddy." he mumbled.

"Good." Curt said, kissing his cheek.

Riker giggled and kissed his back. Then hugged him. Curt helped Riker brush his teeth and then comb through his hair. Then they went downstairs to make breakfast.

"Chocolate chip pancakes?" Curt asked Riker.

"Yes!" Riker said, clapping happily.

"Okay." Curt said, and started making them. He put to pancakes on Riker's plate and put on peanut butter because that's what Riker wanted. He then put syrup on his own pancakes and they started eating.

"You are covered in peanut butter." Curt said, shaking his head at Riker when he was done.

"Go swimming now?" Riker asked hopefully.

"Wait a minute baby." Curt said. He wiped Riker's face and hands. "Now let's go get our swim diaper and our swim trunks on." He lifted Riker out of his high chair and Riker took off for the stairs with Curt behind calling, "No running in the house!"

He got Riker's swim things on and his own and they went out to the pool "Riker , you need some sunscreen and then we need to put on your floaties." Curt said. Riker giggled and ran for the pool. "Riker Anthony Mega stop right..." Curt called as he rushed to stop him, but before he could reach him Riker slipped on the wet pool tile and fell into the shallow end of the pool hitting his head on the edge in the process. 

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