Chapter 7

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Riker froze, his eyes going wide.

Riker, who is he?" Vanni whispered-asked.

"My kidnapper." Riker whispered back

Vanni gaped, and sneakily texted Rydel about it.

"Riker, bad baby, put your clothes on and come with me, now." Curt told him.

Riker sniffled. "Don't wanna go mommy."

"You don't have to, baby." Vanni said, trying to calm Riker down.

Curt rolled his eyes, and went over to them. He grabbed Riker and forced his clothes on him, pushing Vanni away when she tried to stop him, then dragged Riker over to the window.

"Mommy!" Riker cried making grabby hands at Vanni. He saw the boys come in, just as Curt climbed out the window. "Mommy!"

"Riker!" Vanni said, looking over the window. When she didn't see him, she broke down crying. "I lost him again!"

Rydel came and helped Vanni get dressed and tried to calm her down.

"Mommy!" Riker screamed at the top of his lungs, sobbing, and kicking. Curt took Riker to his car, and put the seatbelt over him. "Riker, hey, hey, calm down, calm down."

"Mommy!" Riker hiccup sobbed. His face was red from crying and his nose was running.

"Calm down, baby." Curt said, taking a tissue and wiping his face. He took out a bottle of water, and held it near Riker's mouth. "Here, drink some water. Calm down." Riker latched onto the bottle and drank it all in record time.

Curt took the bottle when he was done, and stroked Riker's hair. "Calm down, okay? I won't hurt you. Don't worry, baby."

"Want mommy." Riker sniffled.

"Oh, baby you don't need your mommy." Curt said. "You got daddy right here."

"Daddy?" Riker asked, sniffling.

"Yeah baby, it's me, your daddy." Curt said.

Riker made grabby hands at Curt. "Want daddy."

"Okay, come here." Curt said, and hugged him. Riker snuggled into Curt's chest. Curt kissed his forehead. "We're going home now baby, okay?" Riker nodded still sniffling. Curt went to the driver's seat, and started driving back to his house. Riker fell asleep on the way. They got to the house, and Curt carried Riker inside. He laid him down on the crib in his room.

When Riker woke up he started crying.

Curt went over to him. "Hey, baby why are you crying?"

"Want mommy. Want baba. Want paci. Want Cawrs!" Riker said, sobbing.

"Baby, you don't need a mommy. You have daddy right here." Curt told him, picking him up from his crib. "And let's get you some baba, and then we can watch cars while you use your paci." Riker nodded sniffling. Curt took a bottle and brought Riker downstairs, and sat on the couch. He pulled Riker onto his lap, and held the bottle to his mouth. Riker drank the bottle. When Riker was done, Curt put the bottle away and took a pacifier, then put it in Riker's mouth. Riker sucked on the pacifier contently and looked at the TV. Curt put Cars in and then pulled Riker onto his lap again. Riker cuddled into him. Curt stroked his hair as he watched the movie. Riker snuggled into him. Curt pulled him closer.

"Love you daddy." Riker said, sleepily.

"Love you too, baby." Curt said, kissing his forehead. Riker giggled.

Curt smiled at him. "My cute baby."

Riker giggled. "I no cute daddy."

"You're the cutest baby in the whole entire world." Curt said, and kissed his nose.

"No cute daddy." Riker said, pouting.

"So cute baby." Curt mimicked.

"No cute!" Riker stomped his foot.

"Cute!" Curt mimicked again.

"Not cute!" Riker said, closee to having a fullon tantrum.

"Why don't you think you're cute?" Curt asked.

"I no cute I adworable." Riker said proudly.

"Oh." Curt laughed. "Yeah, that's true. You are adorable." Riker nodded. Curt smiled at him. Riker went back to watching cars. Curt wrapped his arms around him, as he watched. Then he slowly brought his hand down to Riker's length.

Riker shifted. "Daddy no."

"Why not, baby?" Curt asked, rubbing him.

"Mommy say it a no-no." Riker said.

"Baby, she's not your mommy." Curt told him.

"Yes she is! She's my mommy!" Riker said, starting to throw a tantrum.

"No, she's not." Curt told him.

"Yes she is!"

"No, baby, she's not. Now don't talk back to daddy." Curt told him, sternly

Riker whimpered. "Sorry daddy."

"I forgive you. Next time you talk back to me, you'll get a spanking. Is that understood?" Curt asked.

"Yes daddy."

"Good boy." Curt said. Riker blushed, and his his face in Curt's shoulder. Curt smiled and kissed his forehead. Riker shifted, as Curt's hand was still on his length. "Daddy." he said shifting so Curt's hand was on it more.

Curt started rubbing him. "Yeah, baby?"

Riker moaned lightly. "I forgot what I going to say daddy."

Curt chuckled. "Okay then, baby." He rubbed harder. Riker moaned. Curt took his pants off him, and rubbed him harder through his underwear.

Riker moaned, "Daddy..."

"Yeah?" Curt asked, as he slipped his hand into Riker's underwear and rubbed him even harder.

Riker whimpered. "Stop."

"Why, baby?" Curt asked, squeezing him lightly.

"Cause..." Riker trailed off into a moan.

"Cause why?" Curt asked, as he rubbed again.

Riker moaned, "No-no."

"Hm but daddy says yes-yes." Curt said, rubbing him harder. Riker moaned, unable to get the words out. Curt rubbed him harder. Riker moaned. Curt rubbed him faster, and squeezed him.

"Daddy." Riker moaned as he climaxed. Curt cleaned them up, and put Riker's pants back on him.

"Daddy gotta go potty." Riker said, crossing his legs.

"Okay, come on." Curt said, picking him up and carrying him to the bathroom.

"Uh-oh." Riker said, as the jostling from Curt's carrying him caused him to have an accident.

Curt put him down on the bathroom floor. "Wait here, I'll go get you some clothes." Riker waited for Curt.

Curt went back with new clothes, and a diaper. "Lay down baby boy."

Riker laid down sniffling. Curt put the diaper on him and changed him, then got him to sit again. Riker snuggled into Curt.

Curt kissed his forehead, and picked him up. "You wanna keep watching the movie, baby?"

"Yes daddy!" he said.

"Okay." Curt said, and sat down on the couch with him.

Kidnapped (A Riker Lynch Ageplay Story)Where stories live. Discover now