Chapter 4

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Riker frowned, "But this is home. Isn't it? Rossy I'm confused."

Ross sighed, and shook his head. "You'll remember eventually, Riker."

Riker frowned, and his eyes filled with tears. "Daddy, my head hurts. Rossy made my head hurt!"

"Oh, he did?" Curt asked. "Put him down but don't let him run, Riker."

"Yes, daddy." Riker said. He did as he was told, but kept crying. He wanted daddy to cuddle him, and carry him.

Curt kissed his forehead. "One minute okay baby?" He went upstairs, then went back down and took Ross upstairs. Then when he went back downstairs, he sat on the couch and patted his lap. "Come here, baby."

Riker ran to him and buried his face in Curt's chest and sobbed. "It hurts daddy."

"I know, baby." Curt said, sighing. "You want a warm bottle to make it better?" Riker nodded sniffling. Curt went and got a bottle for Riker, then pulled him on to his lap again and put the bottle to Riker's mouth. Riker sucked happily on the bottle playing with his fingers as he did.

"You're so cute, baby." Curt said, stroking his hair. Riker giggled the milk splashing all over him. "Oh, baby." Curt said, taking some tissue and wiping the milk away.

Riker smiled sheepishly and finished his bottle. "Sorry daddy."

"It's okay, baby." Curt said, smiling. "Does your head still hurt or is it better?"

"Bit bettwer. Daddy kiss it?"

"Mhm." Curt said, and kissed Riker's head.

Riker smiled. "Kissy!" Curt was going to just peck his lips, but then took the opportunity and kissed him.

Riker squeaked and pulled back. "Daddy what are you doing?"

"Kissing you."

"But that not how daddy normally give me kissies." Riker said.

"I know baby, but don't you want to try it?" Curt asked.

"I...I guess." Riker said, shyly. "Kissy felt nice."

"Okay, baby." Curt smiled, and then kissed him again. Riker kissed him back hesitantly. Curt smiled, and licked his bottom lip.

"What do I do daddy?" Riker asked, aganist his lips.

"Open your mouth, baby." Curt told him, sucking his lips. Riker let out a little moan and opened his mouth. Curt explored his mouth.

Riker moaned again. "Daddy...feels weird."

"Weird how, baby?" Curt asked, as he started kissing down Riker's jawline.

Riker moaned. "Diaper too tight daddy."

"Let's see what I can do about it then, baby." Curt said, and pulled down Riker's pants.

"Daddy!" Riker squealed. Curt chuckled, then continued kissing down Riker's neck. Riker moaned. "Daddy."

"Hm?" Curt asked.

"Diaper." Riker whined, trying to get the diaper off himself. Curt pulled Riker's diaper off, and then rubbed him with his hand.

"Daddy, what are you doing?" Riker asked, moaning.

"You like it don't you?" Curt asked, and kept rubbing.

"Yes, daddy. Feels so good." Riker moaned.

"Good, baby." Curt said, and rubbed him harder.

Riker moaned. "Daddy, daddy...more..." Curt squeezed lightly on Riker''s length

Riker moaned loudly. "Daddy..."

"Yeah?" Curt asked.

"Don't stop." he said, breathlessly.

"Mm okay." Curt said, and squeezed harder.

"Daddy faster, more, something please." Riker whined. Curt went down and took him in his mouth. "Daddy! What are you doing?" Riker moaned. Curt didn't answer, but just hummed around him instead.

Riker moaned, "Daddy pressure." he pointed to his lower stomach. "Feels funny."

"Good." Curt said, and sucked him harder.

"Daddy, getting worse." he moaned. Curt started swallowing around him, while rubbing him with his hand. "Daddy..." Riker said, and climaxed into Curt's mouth.

Curt swallowed everything, and went up next to him. "So good, baby."

"That felt so good daddy." Riker said.

"That did, didn't it?" Curt said, smiling. Riker giggled and nodded.

"I love you, baby." Curt said.

"I love you too. Daddy." Riker said, snuggling close to Curt. Curt wrapped his arms around him, and kissed his forehead.

Riker beamed. "Love you daddy!"

"Love you too, baby." Curt smiled.

Riker giggled, and yawned. "I want baba and go night-night now."

"Okay, baby." Curt took another bottle and held it near Riker's mouth. Riker drank the bottle lazily and fell asleep as soon as it was gone. Curt fixed his clothes, then carried him up to the nursery and laid him down on the crib.

"Rossy." Riker whispered half asleep. "Want Rossy." Curt sighed, and picked him up again, then carried him to where Ross was. He opened the door and saw Ross just sitting on the bed, then just laid Riker down next to him. Riker cuddled into Ross. "Love you Rossy." Then he went back to sleep, clinging to Ross. Ross pretended to fall asleep, and when Curt walked out, he took out his phone and called Rydel.

"Hello?" Rydel said, "Ross is that you? Where are you?"

"I don't know, Delly. But I'm with Riker. Some guy has us and got Riker into some sort of headspace or whatever it's called." Ross said. "Riker's asleep right now though."

"Well, I'll use the gps on your phone to track you. Can you get out the window?" Rydel asked.

"No, the windows are barred. And too high anyway." Ross said.

Rydel frowned. "Could you sneak out some other way?"

"No, door's locked, and even if it's not, the bastard cuffed my leg to the bed." Ross said.

"Okay, I'll send Rocky and Ellington." Rydel said.

"Okay." Ross said.

"I love you Ross. Tell Riker I love him too."

"I love you too, Delly. And I will." Ross said.

Rydel hung up and sent Rocky and Ellington on their way. This explained why Riker had broken up with Savannah. She called Vanni.

Vanni picked up. "Hello?"

"Hey, Vanni. It's me. I figured out why Riker broke up with you. He was kidnapped and now he's in headspace. He broke up with you because his kidnapper made him. "So, what do you think about being Riker's mommy for a while Vanni?"

"Oh, wow, um, I.. I guess I can try?" Vanni said, unsure and shocked.

Rydel chuckled, "I know it's a lot to take in Vanni. Can you come over now though. I just got a text from Rocky saying that he and Ell got Ross and Riker away from his kidnappers."

"Oh, sure." Vanni said. "I'll be there in ten."

"Okay. See you then." Rydel said.

"See you." Vanni said, and hung up.

Riker's coming home!!!! Comment with what you think will happen!!!!

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