The Hypocrisy

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Pulling Sebastian and Ciel over to the dance floor, I craned my neck looking for a certain person. Instead, my eyes settled on an all too familiar blonde girl. "Damnit, Lizzy!" I hissed. Hearing me, Ciel and Sebastian both turned around, while his master was trying his best not to hyperventilate, Sebastian leant over and whispered in my ear. 

"That is no way for a lady to talk." I scoffed quietly "who said I was a lady?" 

Pushing him over to Ciel, I smirked slightly "go on and dance with your mistress, I'll distract the she-demon." He chuckled deeply and bowed "as my lady wishes."

 I turned around to face Elizabeth. "Oh, hello again" she tilted her head, "I missed that girl again! All I want to do is tell her how pretty her dress is." "Ah, that would be my uh..." ~think fast red~ "sister! Yes, my sister, she's terribly shy around new people." Elizabeth nodded in understanding. Suddenly, a blonde haired man caught my attention....and he was alone. ~Yes! This is my chance~ After apologising to Lizzy, I swiftly made my way over the Viscount. Standing just in his line of vision, I made sure to catch his attention, before sliding next to him, smiling shyly.

 "Hello, Viscount." I breathed softly "this is a lovely ball" he smiled and gently wrapped his arm around my waist. 

"Thank you, fair raven. Pray, tell me why a beautiful lady such as yourself is unacompanied." I (fake) blushed and took this opportunity to move closer to his side just as his hand started to travel ever so slightly lower than it should be. 

"Alas, I came with my fiancé, but it would seem he prefers my sister." I guestured to Ciel as we watched the dance finish. As the final note played, I caught sight of Ciel on his hands and knees, Sebastian leaning over him amusedly. I placed a hand to my mouth to stop my giggles. The Viscount turned his face towards me, "fair raven? What has caught your attention so to be distracted from me?" I sweat dropped as Ciel made his way over, escorted by Sebastian. "Ah, it is nothing, my Lord." Content with my reply, he settled his gaze on Ciel.
~You hypocrite!~

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