Chapter 9- Watch out for the Lamp Post! Part 1

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A/N: Thank you so much for reading. I decided that after the last chapter, I love writing Tom!!! If you ever wonder where this whole book is going then good because I got it all figured out. Don’t worry, nobody dies in this chapter.  

Anyway this is just a bit of a teaser for the next chapter that’s why it’s so short. Love to see your comments and I love getting new fans. *Hint, Hint*



Recap from Chapter 8-August glared at the drunken men. They started running along the corridor but Zach, August and Tom chased after them. What was this, an action movie? Dora and I simultaneously glanced at eachother with raised eyebrows. We started running.


As Dora and I broke into a sprint down the corridor, dodging innocent people in our way, we saw one and then two of the guys who had been with Dave; on the floor. Unconscious. Oh great...

Wait. I started counting in my head: Dave and the young guy- that’s two, then those two=4 out of 7. That means Zach, Tom and August should be okay. But August was still just a girl. Oh man...

Dora and I didn’t hesitate. We reached the exit soon enough. Pushing the door open, we stepped out into the street. I looked around frantically. The street looked exactly the way it had a few hours ago. There was no obvious sign that they had been here. Dora and I looked at each other; my agitation was reflected in her face. I was still a little dazed, my head spinnign a little.

“Where are they?” I asked the obvious question. Dora just shrugged, shaking a little.

“Should we split up?” I suggested. Remember how I said about my anxiety reflecting off her face, well Dora was a lot more than anxious, judging by the look on her face. Her eyes portrayed pure terror. Her boyfriend was off somewhere trying to win a fight against a bunch of drunk idiots older than him. When I thought about putting myself in her shoes, I couldn’t do it. I just couldn’t deal with the thought of Joe getting beat up, bleeding, and maybe even dying. I might sound a little over the top but hey, I was panic stricken; sue me!

Dora nodded slowly, but I was scared to leave her, thinking she may break down crying or something of the sort. Even if she found them, what would she do? I don’t think she could bear it.

“Maybe splitting up is a bad idea.” I commented under my breath. I took Dora’s hand confidently and turned a sharp left. She was weak and vunerable. We sprinted off along the street, again dodging when needed. We earned quite a lot of strange looks from pedestrians probably walking home, and even from a few drivers, but we couldn’t exactly care about reputation now. The streets weren’t as crowded as before and there was a lack of cars as well.

The sky was a dark blue colour, some ripped clouds sailed it. With it being the middle of summer, the sun didn’t fully set until around 10, so we had some time.

We roughly turned another corner, this time to the right. We came to a halt when we heard shouting coming from somewhere behind us. I recognised Tom’s voice. So did Dora. We nodded at the same time and took off in the direction we had come. My hair was flying behind me because of the rising wind and certain strands of it slapped my face as we turned yet another corner. I brushed it away, annoyed.

The shouting was getting louder, but we couldn’t make out the words just yet. Everything blurred past me as I ran, faster and faster. I had to reach them. Why? I didn’t know exactly. I mean they weren’t the loves of my life, like for Dora. But...I loved them, like brothers. I got so lost in my own thoughts; I forgot that I was running. I tripped on a break in the concrete. The sensation of falling snapped me out of my thoughts. But it was too late. Unable to regain balance, I dived head first into a lamp post, the cold steel hard against my skull. This could not be happening! Darkness.


Dora’s PoV:

I sprinted slightly in front of Hannah. We ran in silence. Another cry echoed in my ears. We had to be close. I stopped for a second to listen to the shouts, trying to determine their location.

“Hannah, I think...” I turned to see that Hannah was not behind me. Annoyed that she fell behind, I ran back the way I had come. When I found her, I almost didn’t notice she was there at first. A girl lay slumped under a lamppost on my right. Her brown hair veiled her face. What the...?

I leaned down to her and found Hannah, unconscious in my arms. Her lips were slightly parted and her eyes were tightly sealed. Oh come on!

“Hannah! Wake up!” It was no use. A tear dripped down my face. What was I going to do? Do I leave her and get to Tom, August and Zach? No, that wouldn’t be right. Should I carry her with me somehow?

I tried lifting her body over my shoulder. She was surprisingly light. Holding her legs in my arms, I started walking as fast as you can possibly walk when there is an unconscious person on your shoulder. I didn’t want to run, knowing that if I did, her head would bump against my back which would just add to the headache she would get when she woke up. It was exactly like her to not look where she was going.

Another scream filled the air. This time it was August’s. My arms were dying, under Hannah’s weight, which appeared to be increasing every second. I stopped to catch my breath for a minute. I would never reach them with Hannah like this. When I thought about it, it was almost laughable that when we were chasing people she decided to run into a lamp post!

Deciding once and for all that I can’t carry on with Hannah, I dumped her on the nearest bench. She looked so vunerable but I couldn’t do anything about it. Without turning back, I started sprinting again. Adrenalin surged through me, making me stronger. Suddenly, I knew where they were. I took a short cut through a dark alleyway and took a left towards the park.

Finally, I saw them. In the corner of the large green park, stood 4 figures. 3 stood in a firm line, 1 facing them. The light from a nearby lamp post reflecting off an object in his hand. It glittered silver. A gun? I gasped under my breath. No, not a gun...A knife...not even that. Some kind of steel rod was in his hand. A shiver of fright went though my entire being. Panting heavily, I kept running until I reached a nearby bush from where I could see the situation. Blood dripped from the rod. I flinched.

This was the part of town where no one ever went. Stanige Park was just a massive area with over grown grass and unkempt trees and bushes. Belway Park across town was the place where a lot of families went. It was the place where anyone went. The streets surrounding this park were mostly deserted with the exception of a few parked cars, but they couldn’t care less about what was going on in Stanige Park tonight.

August, Tom and Zach were clearly visible from where I crouched...

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