Chapter 7- Reunited

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A/N: So this is a kind of slow one but you get to know more about Hannah's life in Harbrook and her friends and stuff. So, do keep reading, PLEASE!!!!!!!! It means a ton to me when you guys fan me or I get a couple more reads on my story. So, Thanks!






Zach's PoV: [just for something different!]

She stood shyly on the platform in front of me. The golden strands of her hair caught the sunlight, which came hurtling through the windows, and stood out from the other darker strands. She smiled slightly.

It had been so long since I saw Hannah last! This thought immediately triggered a memory, which had been stored away at the back of my mind. It popped up and replayed itself silently. The images rolled in front of my mind's eye, very clear and vivid.


I watched Hannah as she closed the door. Her face was stained with unmistakeable tears, but she wiped them away furiously. This was hard for her. She was leaving. At first I couldn't believe it but then I came to terms with the fact that I had to.

Sobbing, she locked the door with a firm click and slowly turned around to face us. She sank down to the ground and buried her face in her hands. I looked at the others. Dora, August, Hannah's Mum and Dad, her grandparents and I all stood motionless as we watched her cry and cry and cry.

No-one seemed to want to move from their frozen positions so I was the one to comfort her. I sat down beside her and hugged her close. My t-shirt became damp with her tears but I ignored it. We may only have been 12, but we had spent our entire life in Harbook and could hardly imagine living anywhere else, surrounded by anyone else; except eachother. When she finally got herself together, she stood and hugged each of us in turn. She took a brave breath and climbed inside the car.

No more words were said. There was no need. Perhaps we may never see eachother again. Hannah will soon learn to cope just like the rest of us, I thought but inside I had trouble believing that Dora, August and I would ever be the same without her.

So then, we just watched and let the car drive away, letting Hannah slip away from us. Just like that.

"Zach! Hello?" I heard Dora's voice cutting into my flashback. Dora was waving frantically in front of my face in an attempt to bring me back to earth. My eyes snapped back to Hannah in front of me.

"Sorry. I just haven't seen you in a while, that's all." I took a deep breath and drew her into a hug I don't think she was expecting. That hug needed to fill up a 4 year hole, so it may have taken a tad longer if Hannah hadn't pulled away, looking slightly uncomfortable. She looked down at the ground with her dark brown eyes.

"So, how have you been?" I asked, only to be interrupted by a squeal I knew all too well. August ran towards us. Her chestnut hair flipped to the left and right as she ran. She looked stunning as always. A brown cap made of light material rested on her head. She wore a white pair of skinny jeans and a plain brown top which matched her hat. She smiled at me but instantly made for Hannah, as expected.

August's PoV:

I hugged her tightly. 4 years. It had been 4 years since I'd seen her. All the memories of us when we were little flooded back. Playing in the park, going to the lake, feeding the ducks; the memories were still clear in my mind.

Ever since we were in diapers Hannah and I had lived next door to eachother. She was always there for me, especially when my Mum died of cancer. I was only 8. Hannah was the thing that kept me going. She had always been supportive and the best friend a girl could ask for; when she left it was like a little piece of my heart went with her.

Still, it seemed that not much had changed about her. Except her hair nearly reached her waist and was cut differently and her eyes had a sort of shine to them that I didn't remember. Of course, the last time I saw her there was no reason for her to have any shine in her eye. She was still a medium height and shorter than me, her clothes were fitting but not in a slutty way, and she was radiating a sort of warm and happy glow. It made me smile.

"August!" she screamed as I drew back from our hug.

"I've missed you so much! How are you? Oh, it's been so long!" this time she hugged me but it was a quick sort of excited hug. Then she turned from me, looking like she had remembered something. She turned to Zach.

Hannah's PoV:

I was smiling like a moron. Who cares? I was immensely over the moon, past the sun and on my way to the next galaxy with happiness. Being reunited with Zach, Dora and August seemed so natural. In that moment when August hugged me, I felt like those 4 years hadn't happened, like I'd never left. It felt right being here with my friends. Just right. Suddenly I remembered what was happening before August's arrival. I took a step towards Zach.

"I'm sorry, what were you saying Zach?" Man, I can't stop smiling!

"Oh, just... how are you?" he rubbed the back of his neck and looked down like he was nervous. Zach nervous? No way! Zach was the most confident friend I had ever had, so it must have taken quite something to make him nervous. Was it me? Ha!

"I'm great thanks! Well, now that I've been reunited with my long lost buds, I feel ecstatic! How are you guys?" I turned to face Dora and August.

"Well," said Dora, "there is one thing that you might want to know." She took a step closer to Zach who smiled at her. What had I missed?

"Zach and I have been going out for 9 months." She announced. I raised my eyebrows. Now, who saw that coming? Honestly speaking, I felt a tiny twitch of jealousy but I brushed it away. I mean, who wouldn't want to date a guy like that?

A girl in a committed relationship said my brain. Hint, Hint! But truly, I felt happy for them. 9 months! Well Done to Zach and Dora!

I ran over and hugged both of them together. "Congratulations! That's great!"

They reached for eachother's hand and I immediately knew that they had wanted to do that since we had first seen eachother. Obviously they waited until they told me.

"So August, do you have a mystery man?" I smiled mischievously.

"Umm, yes, I guess. His name is James. But we've only been going out for about a month. You can meet him later. But what about you?" she started pulling me by the wrist towards the railway station's exit. I don't think I can cope with this many Blue moments!

"Well, I have a boyfriend too. His name is Joe. We've been going out for nearly 5 months now."

"So what's he like?" August had always wanted to know the gossip, even when she was younger, but she never spread it, just knew certain snippets of information.

"I'll tell you later. Let's just go to the movies." Everyone nodded and we set off for the cinema which we reached 10 minutes later.

It was so easy to talk to my friends, like I've been here all my life. Of course sometimes, they would share an inside joke or start a conversation that I had nothing to do with, but that was expected. In the end, the main thing was that we had a good time.

At the cinema, it was apparent that Dora and Zach were a serious couple. They held eachother so close, just like Joe and Me. I wondered how soon I would start missing home. I fact, I wondered when home would start missing me.

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