Chapter 1-It's Staring at Me!

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Author's note: I thought I would try writing my first story! If you find it boring or uninteresting then comment but keep in mind that it's only my first part and my first story. And to everyone who knows me and reads this, feel free to cringe at the bits where you know exactly who I'm talking about! I would be really dissapointed if you didn't take the mick out of this ;). Anyway enough from me.



Aaarrgghh! I couldn't concentrate! Everything that I'd learnt had gone straight out the window as soon as I walked in here. The exam hall was eerily silent... though it wouldn't seem like it to everyone else in the hall becuase they were actually thinking right now! I glanced towards the front, where Joe was sitting. He had a cute frown of concentration on his face. Somehow, it seemed like recently? Everything he doid seemed cute! It was insane! 'Oh, look he's eating soup! So cute!', 'Look, look! He's typing on his laptop, that's so cute...' Do you get what I mean now?

Focus Hannah! Suddenly the decent and realistic side of my loopy brain took over. How could I start daydreaming about Joe in the middle of an English Exam? I rolled my eyes mentally.

Right. "Write a newspaper article about the polar ice caps melting to persuade people to consider the effects of global warming" I read under my breath. Great; I was born to do this kind of thing. English was my best subject especially when it came to journalism. Even if it was a talent of mine, I had to make this good and make it good real fast because it looked like 10 minutes had already gone and I had literally nothing written on my white peice of lined paper.

It felt like it was staring at me! Scratch that, IT WAS STARING AT ME! The lines on it seemed very intimidating... like they were mocking me! 'Come on Hannah! Write on me! I dare you! You are going to fail this exam because you've written absolutely nothing on me!' Was I thinking a bit of paper was talking to me? Okay Hannah, don't panic, I'm sure the lunatic assylum will have room for you...

I thought of Blue and how she might be getting on with the writing task. Bored and not bothered is my guess. It's probably right too. Blue hated this kind of writing (even more than her name, Blueberry, yes that's actually her name), in fact she just hates writing in general. Blue is more into sports. It's strange. I wonder why we're even friends sometimes because we're so different. Blue is bordering on insane whereas I'm calmer...most of the time.

Plus, I have a great loathing towards sports, it's not that I'm lazy, I'm just not built for them. I do try my best, but when I'm totally out of breathe and basically collapsed on the running track, there's Blue looking like she's just had a lazy day sunbathing, after running 2000 metres. I think how different we really are, but then this little moment comes along when we just totally get eachother, mind you it's usually something really stupid and childish too. Although I consider myself the mature and more sane one. Yes, the sane one who thinks the paper is talking to her!

I started my report, yanking words out of my brain and onto the paper. I marvelled at how fast I'd finished. 5 minutes until the end of the exam. Record time.

 I flung a sideways glance at Joe again. Surprise, surprise! He had already finished too, and shot me a wide, dazzling smile. I glanced past him onto his desk. Of course there was the exam paper neatly folded with the article inside. Pencils and pens stretched the whole length of the table; not a nanometer out of place. I would love to see his face when a teacher knocks his desk over, ruining his perfect display of stationary. He's such a know it all. I tease him about it sometimes but he doesn't take it personally. He just says 'Look whose talking' and leaves it there.

Joe was my ...well...boyfriend. Yep, it still sounds strange to think about. We've been going out for a few months. It's not been exactly a Taylor Swift Love Story but I like him (a lot) and he likes me back. Taadaa! Pish posh, swish bang, you may now kiss the bride... well, not completely but you know.

 Although Joe is, for a lack of a better word, fit, he is mostly not the centre of attention at school. He has a lot of friends sure, but he isn't Mr. So-Popular-I-Have-People-At-My-Beck-And-Call for which I am quite grateful. It means there aren't (too many) jealous stares as I walk down the hallway to my locker.

 Finally Mrs Blain told us to put down our pens. Mine hadn't been picked up for 10 minutes. Academic stuff is the only type of stuff I'm good at, but I still like Art and Drama quite a lot; being creative you know? 

 Peeping round the room, I searched for Blue. I caught her flaming red hair in an instant in the front row. She was sitting up very straight, re-doing her hair into her classic ponytail which was flattering to her wavy, loose curls. Blue didn't worry much about appearance up until only recently. She's only started wearing mascare recently, she's still doesn't need it, her skin and features are near perfect. She is stunning. I feel a bit uncomfortable standing next to her sometimes because I'm just normal and plain.

 She turned around and was clearly looking for me too. She met my eyes and rolled them telling me how much she hated what we just had to go through. I smiled to myself at her expressions then turned to face Mrs Blain again.

 Mrs Blain was everyone's favourite teacher in the school. She didn't yell a lot, only when necessary; also she understood us in a way no other teacher did. like she was one of us.

 She walked down each row taking in papers, her blond hair flowing behind her and down her back. Her classy boots clanked against the floor with every step she took, while we all sat in complete silence.

So, this is the story... the very complicated story of how I fell in love, lost it, fell in love again, did a lot of stupid stuff, said a lot of stupid stuff, was lied to, and found what I believe is real love. Try to keep up, because ladies and're in for a bumpy ride.

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