Chapter 4- IOW

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A/N: Hey people! So this story is in editing right now, so if you read something in a later chapter that doesn't make sense because it said something completely different to a previous chaper, don't worry, I'll soon catch up with my editing and it'll make sense again... Sorry


Friday seemed to pass, in the blink of an eye. School usually made these hours seem shorter, though with teachers on strike, the hours stretched on for what seemed like days. My suitcase stood, untouched since last night, on the cold tiles in the kitchen waiting...and waiting...and waiting. Everything was set, ready. I was sitting curled up on the couch, pretending to watch TV, while different scenarios, versions of the following weekend, played out in my mind. A smart looking woman in a crisp blouse and grey skirt was talking about the weather, using hand gestures which I wasn't actually taking in, on the television.

 Only 9am...9:15...10...Come on...11.

Willing it to, isn't going to make time go faster.

 Shut up.

 You know, talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.

Going mad now would definitely not be a good idea. Imagine...madness takes over my mind, I can't think straight, perhaps spill coke all over the hotel, then bathe in peanut butter. Okay, no more; I am NOT going crazy. Deciding to turn off the TV and switching to a book, was a surprisingly good decision. Getting sucked into another world made time tick-tock away faster, and before I knew it, it was 1:45. One last check in the mirror and I grabbed my coat, setting myself down on a wooden chair, beside the door. Waiting...

 Then, there it was. The three quick knocks on the oak door. He was here. Fixing my hair to perfection, I walked to the door and opened it slowly. Smiling a smile that couldn't be wiped off my face for the next 2 days, I said hi.

Joe's golden locks were smooth and sexy. He wore a smart black leather jacket and a white t-shirt underneath, which highlighted his abs. Above simple white trainers, fell dark blue jeans. Yummy.

 "You look...great." he paused as his familiar glinting brown eyes scanned my red tight top (which I had to admit may have been a tad too tight, but I loved that top so to heck with it), brown suede jacket and classy gladiator sandals. I wore high waisted denim shorts which showed a lot of my thighs. My hair was in a very wavy form, cascading down my top, over a fraying denim headband which matched my shorts.

 The day outside seemed warm and the world beyond my front door, welcoming. The sun was shining away happily. 

"Have you got everything?" asked Joe, looking down to where my suitcase leaned against right leg.

 "Yeah, I think so. I did check everything over 3 times!" I giggled slightly.

 "Thank you so much for inviting me. It means a lot."

 "That's why I did it!" he smiled his legendary film star smile. I stepped forwards and put my arms around his neck. He leaned in to kiss me. I kissed him back. Just one sweet kiss yet it meant so much. My watch was wrapped round my wrist; unmovable.


 The drive was quite long, but Joe's family car had plenty of space. I nodded off for about half an hour, leaning my head on Joe's soft and comforting shoulder. He tilted the seat back so that I was lying on his chest. He seemed to enjoy the love I was radiating out of my body. When we finally arrived at the Ryde Castle Hotel, it was a charming building and quite modern too. From the outisde it looked like a castle, from the inside, a holiday resort.

 Joe's uncle, John looked like a jolly chap with a round face and a bald head, when he came to greet us outside. He kissed every family member who was present before him, until he came to me. I was holding Joe's hand, so it was obvious we were together.

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