Chapter 29: Holy water

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Shakil's POV

I'm just gonna stare at her until she wakes up. It's creepy but I have nothing else to do. So I figured I would wait on her to wake up so that we can eat breakfast together and do what we usually do; talk. I hope she is feeling better than yesterday. Yesterday was something. I've never seen Sapphire so emotionally drained before. I know she's been going through rough times during her life but damn, Sapphire! You scared the shit out of me, yesterday! That wasn't Sapphire. That was somebody else... David says that I need to support her. I'm not quite sure how I'm gonna do that but I'll do it! I'll let her know that she is supported. She'll feel it. Out of the blue, as if she heard me think, Sapphire slowly opened her eyes. She opened them up but could not see anything. Obviously. I keep on forgetting. She looked around, rolled on my bed and finally concluded that she wasn't home on her bed but in mine. Maybe it wasn't comfortable for her, I dunno.

- Shakil... she says while yawning.

- Great, you remember.

She laughs a little. She laughed, yes! Sapphire is in a good mood today, great! That immediately makes me smile. To know that Sapphire is happy, makes me happy. Don't ask me why, I couldn't explain it myself.

- I'm sorry 'bout yesterday. You didn't have to see me like this. I was totally out of it.

- It's aight, it's over now. Want some breakfast?

- Uh...

She's hesitating. Hesitating on what? I am offering her free, home cooked breakfast where you can sit around a table with people who wouldn't judge you nor pass meaningless comments. Just say yes so we can get on it already!

- Well, you see, Shakil I... I would love to eat with you but... like I... I can't stay. I can't stay here.

She did not just say that. No, this is not true. This is all a dream. Sooner or later, I'm gonna wake up and go back to the reality I know of.

- You can't stay here? Yes, oh yes you can stay here! Fuck you talkin' 'bout, Sapphire?! Don't you feel safer here? Why would you wanna go back over there?

- It's not a question about wanting. It's a question about having to. I have to go back. Besides, they're probably looking for me like crazy.

- Sapphire, you don't necessarily have to. You are free, you have a choice. And why would they bother search for you? It's pretty clear that they don't give a flying fuck about you, Sapphire. Nobody, in your family, cares about you.

- Thanks for pointing out the obvious, captain genius, she says sarcastically. 

I stood there just thinking about the whole situation. Now why would she want-have to go back there? For what fucking cause?! Somebody has to tell me because I don't get it.

- You like it over there, don't you? You like to stay in your room all day and mourn and complain about your life. You like to get yelled out for doing absolutely nothing but breathe. You like to feel reduced by your parents. You liked it when your father accused you of being pregnant, is that it?! You like it, right?! I screamed.

A long moment of silence.

- N-no... I don't like it.

- So why the fuck do you wanna go back there?!

- I don't want to, I ha-

- Yes you want to! You made the choice so you want to! I screamed at her.

- Just because I made the choice, it doesn't mean that I want to! I didn't choose to go back, it's just what's going to happen, Shakil! On God, I would love to stay here but you know, just as much as I know, that I can't... stay here.

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