Chapter 3: The interview

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Shakil's POV

If I knew what this place was a while ago, I would have been here way before. If I knew this was a building to make some money, I would have been here a long time ago. I am still not believing the fact that I live like twenty minutes from We Care. I should have known this place from before. I step in the building and go near the administration. This is like at school, in elementary or high school. Even college, actually. It's like if I was in line waiting to talk to the principal because I fell down on the school yard or something. Well, we are suppose to go speak to the school nurse but we all know that they won't do shit. They'll tell us to put a band-aid.

- Hello, how can I help you?

I recognize that voice. It's the white girl I was talking to on the phone yesterday. I never imagined her to look... so good! She's fine as hell! I already see myself pulling up that yellow sundress and sticking my big cock inside of her. I'll complete all of that by ramming the shit out of her and making her suck my dick afterwards. I even imagine myself licking eating her out and having her moans fill up the room and then I'll swallow her cum and fuck her anally. I imagine her grinding on my dick-

- Excuse me, sir, may I help you with something? There are other people waiting in the line. We have to do this quickly.

All of this fantasizing and I still forgot to pullout. Dang. At least I didn't eat her ass. That shit nasty.

- Uh, yea, uh... well ya told me to come back ovah here for the interview. 

- Yes, the interview. May I have your job application please?

I gave the fine ass bitch my fill out forms and locked eyes with her. Just by the sound of our voices, we both recognize each other. I know for a fact that she remembers my voice. I do too. We jus' ain't sayin' anything about it. She gave me 'the look' and then said:

- You are Shakil Bruno, right?

- Yea, thas' me but you knew!

She made a light smile and blushed a little bit. So she does recognize me, I wasn't crazy. She bad as fuck. The girl gave me a little piece of paper with the number five written on it.

- Why ain't you takin' my interview?

- I do not do interviews. I work in the administration only. There is, currently, four people before you, waiting to take their own interview. Once they call out number five, you will have to go on your left and take the first door you see. You shouldn't get lost because it is written 'THE INTERVIEW' on the door. Please knock if you see that the door is still closed. Thank you and good luck. NE-

- So shawty, is you single or nah?

- Married. NEXT!

Well that must be one lucky motherfucker! I hope he is hitting that pussy right. Everything here is yellow and the bright sun isn't helping. I am the only one wearing black clothes. Even the other teenagers that are here have light colored clothes on. Plus, I am Black. I stand, out of everybody. 

- Number three!

Now this bitch looks like she is fourteen years old. Why on Earth would she be looking for a job? Fuck her, I should have been number three. I am still impressed how the administration bitch curved me. It's worst than the friendzone because she married. Married, nigga. Shit, if I didn't know all of that, I would have thought she was my age. She don't seem that old or the type to be someone's wife. It must be all the Proactive she puts on her face. Or all the foundation. Another catfish. I can't trust these white bitches.

- Number four!

After this geek is done, it's my turn. I wonder where the number three bitch went. Pro'ly to daycare or to go see her muver and father, if she got one. I ain't got one. My mother never talks about him and I can't blame her 'cause she probably don't know shit about him. I wonder how the house woulda been if my father was there. He would probably beat my mom's ass for yelling at me all the time. Papa would be on my side. Two against one. And maybe for once, momma would listen and she'll finally apologize for ranting twenty-four seven. Maybe she wouldn't be sick and tucked up in a blanket, if my father was there. Maybe he would allow me to skip church on Sundays, sometimes. Maybe I would be able to go to this party without sneaking out, if my father was there... Fuck him. I ain't giving no love to my father.

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