Chapter 23: One on one time

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Shakil's POV

The next day, I head back to their house to make some money. The mother greats me in like usual. As if nothing occurred yesterday. As if we were on good terms. Technically, we are because despite me always being in Sapphire's room, I haven't done anything that personally got to her. But has Sapphire done anything? No, she hasn't. Nothing is equal here. This house is pure injustice. Seems like the people who be doing the less be doing the most. Ironic as it is.

- How are you today? she says with a smile.

- Good.

- Good? That's it? You don't sound 'good'.

- But I am 'n thas' all ya need to know... so uh how's Sapphire?

If Melody thought I forgot, then she must be out of her goddamn mind. I'll never forget the terror I saw and experienced in Sapphire's eyes. I didn't see them but I saw them. I felt them. I felt her emotion and they weren't pretty. It's almost as if she is constantly being ostracized by her parents. I'm surprised she made it through nineteen years. She's strong.

- Why you care? You are here to work exclusively, she says bluntly.

- Oh, so that's how you feel? I see.

I really do see. For the first time, I'm actually seeing what type of a hateful mother she is. I'm seeing her true colors. So far, it's completely black.

- Feel what, Shakil? I always told you to remember why you're here.

- And I never forgot either.

- Well that's great, she blurts out with a fake smile, now get to work.

- What should I clean? Perhaps, Sapphire's room?

- Dammit, what do you have with her?!

- What do I have with her... nothing, actually. I ain't got nothin' wit' her. I just asked if I should start by Sapphire's room. Seems like you can't answer that.

- No, okay? NO! Not her room! Do the bathroom instead.

- The bathroom? Why no her room, though?

- Because I fuc-because I said so! Her room doesn't need to be tidied anyway.

- How would you know that? You're never in it. I'm the one that goes in there the most, out of everyone in this house. It should be me the judge of if her room needs more tidying or not.

- This is my house. I am the judge of what people do in here or not! she said with bulging eyes.

She kinda looked like a bulldog for a sec. Just a second.

- Yes, this is your house but do you take care of it? I don't think so. I'm the one who takes care of the house. All the sweeping, washing dishes, folding up clothes, vacuuming, all of that shit, I'm the one who does that. Since I've gotten here, I've never seen you, not even once, lift up a broom to sweep the excess dirt from your floor. Because there's a lot of it. All I see and hear you do is complain, scream, insult, make fun of Sapphire or Big Boy. Not Maia, surprisingly, nor Terrence. Don't you find that strange? I guess that's why you couldn't answer me when I simply asked you how Sapphire was doing. Your hate is stronger than your love. For Sapphire. That's if you even love her.

She looked at me, almost as if she was about to penetrate my soul, and started laughing. But I wasn't joking and it wasn't funny. It was the type of laugh you make after understanding a joke, not because you find it funny. It was so sudden, so out of place that it slightly scared me. I started to ask myself questions. I knew that she was deranged but I wasn't prepared to be face to face with her deranged behavior. The more I come in this house, the more I realize that everything Sapphire was telling me on her relatives is true. This house is crazy.

- Sapphire told you, didn't she?

- Tell me what? Be more specific. There's so much things she tells me.

- She speaks about me, doesn't she?

- Just as much as you speak about her, behind her back.

- So you know.

- Know what?

- You know. You just know, right?

- A lot of things but I still have room for some more knowledge. Something Sapphire told me.

- So she does speak about me.

- Yea, all we do in her room is have conversations. Your name has a possibility of poppin' up once in a while, so I kinda know some shit about you, just for your general information.

- Oh, that bitch. Alright then she wants to play this game? She better prepare her ass to loose.

- Why do you speak about your daughter with such vulgar language?

- Do you know what you just got into? Stick to your day job, Shakil. I suggest you shut up and go clean the bathroom.

- I got into your house 'n I somehow can't get enough of it.

- Go clean the bathroom, Shakil, she says with a faded smile.

- I will and I'll also go see how Sapphire is doing, while I'm at it.

Because I care.

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