Chapter 27: Free

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Shakil's POV

Without doing it on purpose, I slam David's car door. He doesn't notice and drives away. I walk the mini pavement and step inside. My life is a routine, I thought. Yes, it is, now that I realize. The first person I see is Terrence running up to me, saying my name, joyfully, as usual. He always does that. Terrence is the only one that says hi, greets me in their house. Melody says hi sometimes but I know it's fake, an act. Her whole life is a comedy play. She looks like something but is completely something else. The same thing for the house; from the outside, it's the most gorgeous house on the street but on the inside, it isn't all that pretty. What makes a house not pretty? The decor, maybe, but also the people living in the house. Everybody here is fucked up! I promise you!

I kindly smile at Terrence, playfully pat his back and take off my shoes. I take off my coat too. It's hoody season but today is colder than usual. We're in the middle of October. I swear I didn't do it on purpose. It was a pure reflex; I climb the stair case to go in Sapphire's room, without thinking twice on what I was doing. It's been almost two months that I do the same thing. Going in Sapphire's room became apart of my routine. 

- You can't.

I know I can't. I didn't do it on purpose, I tell you. It just happened.

- Yes, Big Boy, I know.

- I-I-I think S-Sapphire is sleeping, he blurts out.

Sleeping? It's not like her but okay.

- Sleeping? In the middle of the day?

- She's very ti-red. 

- And why's that?

He wants to tell me but he knows, we both know, that he can't. He isn't aloud. Whatever happened must have been bad. I'm not gonna bother say good because I know which family I'm dealing with. 

- BIG BOY! Go and clean your room! the mom shouts from four rooms.

That right there was sketched. Planned, even. I keep on forgetting that there is traps all around the house. Everyone hears therefore, everyone knows your business. She heard me, she heard us. Automatically, just like a robot, Big Boy, with his head down, went upstairs to clean his room. If he could, he would tell me everything and express what he feels about it too. But he can't and he won't take a chance. Big Boy has a difficult time expressing himself, overall communication. He isn't on drugs, my assumption was wrong. Big Boy stutters, that is all. It's just a speech impairment, we can say. This is why he keeps his anger because expressing his feelings is more difficult for him. And I know he hates that; who would like that? Not me. Melody knocks me out of my thoughts. Fuck her.

- I don't pay you to stand up all day. Why aren't you cleaning yet?

- What am I suppose to clean?

- Anything! Find something, Shakil! What kind of question is that?!

- I dunno. A good question, I guess.

- Get out of my face and get to work, she says coldly. 

...Did I do something or...?

- Yes ma'am.

- And don't you even dare step one foot in that room. Because I will know, we will all know.

They will all know.

- Okay, Melody.

She glares at me and walks away. Where? I don't even know. It's almost as if she disappears from the house for a while. She still didn't tell me what to clean... she told me to find something... which technically means that I could decide to clean Sapphire's room. Right? Right. I've made my decision; Sapphire's room it is! I climb up the stairs so vividly, so abruptly. I was stumping, actually, I wasn't climbing. I wanted them to know that I clearly didn't give a damn about their fucked up rules. They say that Sapphire is restricting me from doing my job yet I'm not even aloud to enter all the rooms of this house. Shouldn't I be aloud to go anywhere? To clean freely, without any restrictions? Eeeexactly!

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