Chapter 20: Jealousy

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Sapphire's POV

He's cleaning up my room for like the hundredth time since he's started working here. I think he likes it or me. Me? Why me? Nobody likes me. I'm just a fat lump of sadness. And I know I'm ugly, I just know it. It's been a long time that I haven't seen myself but even then, I wasn't all that pretty. What would change in four years? Puberty, on girls, starts young, at the age of eleven, twelve. I went blind once I turned fifteen years old. There's not much puberty changes once you're fifteen and I was still ugly as hell back then. It is certain, I am ugly. I feel ugly. Shakil's always here, with me. I'm not use to all of this attention. I've never really had attention, except when I'm outside, in public. I may not see them but I know that everybody is starring at me. I walk outside and it's like I'm an alien. Chill ya'll, I'm just blind. Get over it. Not only he's always here but he always talks to me too. It's annoying because he sometimes doesn't know how to hold an intelligent conversation. Everything that comes out of his mouth is so plane. I wonder if all conversations are like that or is it just the case for Shakil. If so, I don't ever want to discuss with anybody. I rather just stay locked up in my room, all day, and listen to some music or the cool breeze drifting through my window with the cars rushing down the street. I can also listen to the different noises that Shakil makes while tiding my room. It's quite entertaining.

- My mother said hi.

Wait. He's introduced me to his mother? In my head, that can only mean one thing.

- Really? That's nice, wow. Tell her I said hi then.

- Yea, once I see her again.

- You don't live with her?

- No, she's in the hospital.

One thing that isn't fair is that Shakil knows a lot of my personal issues and facts about me but I don't know, excuse my language, shit about him. He only told me why he was here but not about who he is. I'm just now learning about his mother being in the hospital when I already went personal on my mother and her behavior. I don't like to be this nosy bitch that can't keep to herself and that's constantly snooping in everyone's business but it's my turn to play Sherlock Holmes on his ass. That's if he let's me, though. 

- Oh, really? How?

- I don't know.

- And you never bothered asking either?

He let's the broom fall on the floor and sits besides me, on my bed. One thing I've noticed, when he's here, I speak. More than often. And I still consider him a stranger but with him, I don't know, I'm just comfortable. I don't like to socialize with people, I'm more of an introverted person. But with him, I'm an extrovert. And I just don't know why.

- No... It's not what came to mind.

- It should be.

- But I think-I'm sure-it's David who got her in the hospital. For yelling.

- Yelling doesn't bring you to the hospital, I said trying not to laugh.

- With my momma, it can.

Whatever floats your boat at night, Shakil. He comes closer to me. Mind as well lean my head on his chest but I don't. I don't like him like that.

- Who's David?

- She calls him "her man" but he just another nigga to me.

- They ain't married yet?

- Shut up, bitch! Married? Never! I will never let that happen!

I got him mad. He scouts away from me. So far, like on the other end of the bed. I'm so stupid, I thought David was his father but who, what son, will call their father by their first name? No one I know. David isn't Shakil's biological father and his last reaction, he certainly doesn't want his mother and David together. I guess Shakil just does not have any father in his life. Damn. No wonder why he isn't raised correctly. He's missing the masculinity in his life.

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