Chapter 34

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Haha no I'm kidding. But dang if my District Two story got this many reads....


I walk back to my dorm at seven o'clock in the morning. After seeing Edward in the hospital, I had to see Lauren, and then Eric, and then Max, and then all three to figure out what our next move is. Edward decided to leave Dauntless, and Myra decided to leave with him to live with the factionless. Then Lauren had to drop two Dauntless-born.

I go to the initiate's dormitory and draw a line through Edward and Myra's names while some of them are sleeping, and then change the rankings. Will's bed is empty. So is Tris's. They must've been unable to sleep.

I return to my apartment and decide to sleep some more. I fall into a fitful sleep, waking up every 20 minutes to escape another nightmare.

Zeke interrupts my attempts at sleep around noon. "Hey, you wanna go ziplining?"

I roll my eyes. He only asks because he knows that I hate heights. Shauna thinks that it's lost it's appeal to me. I roll my eyes at him. "Fear of heights, remember?"

He shoots me a grin. "I think Uriah's asking your girlfriend if she wants to come."

I cock an eyebrow at him. "I'm sorry, who?"

His grin widens. "Tris."

I shake my head. "Why is it that both you and Lauren seem to enjoy accusing me of liking her?"

"Maybe it's because you think she's hot." Zeke lightly punches my arm. "The Great Four's gotten soft over some Stiff."

I roll my eyes again. "My answer is no. And I do not like Tris."

"Fine." He grumbles. "And yes, you do. You're just afraid of admitting it because of Eric."

"Have fun, Zeke. And if you start spreading rumors, I will skin your sorry ass." I hear his laughter echoing down the hall as he leaves. I walk back over to my bed and lay down, trying to fall asleep. Usually I'd be in the training room, but I'm too tired for that. So instead I'll try to sleep and fight off my nightmares until dinner.


Not long after I sit down at my usual table with Lauren, the Dauntless-borns come into the cafeteria. Tris walks in with Uriah, Lynn and Marlene and some kid named Gabe trailing behind them. Tris's eyes are bright, her ponytail a little bit messed up.

Uriah claps her on the back and him, Lynn, and Marlene come over to our table. They sit down without a word and start eating. Tris goes over to where Will, Al, and Christina sit gaping at her. Shauna and Zeke sit down at our table.

"Looks like we can't call your girlfriend a Stiff anymore, Four." Shauna tells me as she sits down. "She's pretty cool. I like her."

Uriah looks at me curiously. "You like Tris?"

I let out a groan. "Not in the way they're implying. She's an initiate. I'm her instructor. That's it."

"Well, you guys missed it." Lauren grins at me. "While you idiots were jumping off of buildings and trusting some rusty wire to keep you from splattering against the pavement, we watched something funny."

"Oh? And what was that?" Lynn challenges.

I grin at Lauren, who continues. "One of Four's Candors almost slugged an Erudite."

"What?!" The others explode. "Who was it?" Marlene asks. This is one of the first time she's ever spoken.

"Christina." I tell them. "He wanted her opinion on the Abnegation government."

Lynn laughs. "Really?"

"Really." Lauren nods. "I bet if that jackass asked Four or Tris they would've beaten the shit outta him, huh Four?"

I roll my eyes. "Tris? Yes. He would've barely gotten out the first syllable of Abnegation."

"But not you?" Shauna asks.

I shake my head. "Nah. Why bother? I would've just told him to shut his damn mouth and leave before he ends up in the Chasm. Or worse."

Zeke nods. "I can see that."

"I can also see Four ripping your head off of your shoulders." Uriah says, shoving his brother.

"And I can see him lowering your initiation score, kid. Better shut your mouth."

Lauren clears her throat and cocks an eyebrow at him. "Oh, uh, I mean, I can see Lauren lowering your score." She gives him a you'll pay for that one later smile.

"So who's running the tests tomorrow?" Marlene asks, looking between me and Lauren.

I give her a half-smile. "That would be me."

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