Chapter 4

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A/N: In case you haven't noticed, I use the book to write this. I'm updating so quickly because this is prewritten. Once all of the chapters that I have currently written are done, I'll have to wait until my little sister is done. Then the chapters will be longer and the updates will be 10+ reads like every other story I write.

I push open the double doors to the Pit and lead the initiates in. "Oh," I hear Christina whisper, "I get it."

"If you follow me, I'll show you the Chasm." I wave them forward. I can feel someone's eyes on me, but I ignore them and lead them to the right side of the Pit, which is extremely dark. They all stand near the railing, and two of the Erudite immediately jump back, the girl clinging to the guy. Pathetic. She won't last a day. I roll my eyes.

"The Chasm reminds us that there is a fine line between bravery and idiocy!" I shout to be heard over the roaring of the water beneath us. "A daredevil jump off this ledge will end your life. It has happened before and it will happen again." Tris pales slightly, and I wonder how someone so innocent and... and pure could have transfered to Dauntless. 

She nods at something Christina says, glancing at me a few times.

I lead them across the Pit and to the cafeteria. When we walk in, the Dauntless all stand. They applaud, stamp their feet, and shout. The noise is deafening, though still not nearly as loud as the roaring of the Chasm.

I end up sitting next to Tris, Christina on her other side. She stares at the platter of hamburgers in front of us. She gives it a strange look, almost as if she's mentally dissecting it and deciding what it's called.

"It's beef." I say, nudging her with my elbow. "Put this on it." I pass her a small bowl of ketchup.

"You've never had a hamburger before?" Christina asks with wide eyes, almost as if she can't believe what she's hearing.

"No," Tris replies. "Is that what it's called?"

"Stiffs eat plain food." I explain, nodding at Christina so that she knows I'm talking to her. Tris looks uncomfortable. I understand. I hate the nickname too. But is she like me?

No, she can't be.


Tris shrugs. "Extravagance is considered self-indulgent and unnecessary." This lesson seems to be programmed into her brain.

Christina smirks at her. "No wonder you left."

"Yeah," Tris rolls her eyes. "It was just because of the food." I feel the corner of my mouth twitch, but I force down the smile. Her sarcasm- which, by the way, is nonexistent in the Abnegation- is definitely not lost on me. The door opens, and someone walks in. The whole cafeteria falls silent.

"Who's that?" Christina hisses.

"His name is Eric." I inform her, keeping my eyes on Eric. "He's a Dauntless leader."

"Seriously? But he's so young."

"Age doesn't matter here." I give her a grim look. She looks ready to ask another question, but Eric walks towards a table.

Our table.

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