Chapter 25

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"When your team won, where did you put the flag?" Marlene asks, putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Telling you wouldn't exactly be in the spirit of the exercise, Marlene." I reply coolly.

"Come on, Four," She whines, giving me a flirtatious smile. I brush her hand off of my arm. She's trying to make Uriah jealous, and I'm not playing along. According to Zeke, they'd gotten into a fight last night. I see Tris grinning from the corner of my eye.

"Navy Pier." Uriah calls out. He doesn't seem to be fazed by Marlene's pretending to flirt with me, but I know better. I see Tris analyzing him silently. "My brother was on the winning team. They kept the flag at the carousel." I fix him with a glare. Of course Zeke told him. Zeke had helped me train the initiates last year and played capture the flag too.

"Let's go there, then." Will suggests, and we head towards the pier. Christina bumps Will's shoulder with hers, and I see their mouths move as they talk quietly.

We cross a bridge and Marlene whips out a flashlight, illuminating the street in front of us and giving the abandoned buildings an eerie glow. I think several of the initiates might 'shit their damn pants' as Zeke said last year, especially if someone jumped out on them. Judging by the frightened looks on their faces, they would. I see Uriah consider scaring someone- no doubt Marlene- but then he seems to think better of it.

"Scared of the dark, Mar?" Uriah taunts her, smirking. This pisses her off, obviously. Her eyes harden. Whatever they fought about, it was really bad.

"If you want to step on broken glass, Uriah, be my guest." She snaps, and then turns it off. Uriah can be a complete ass, but his opinion still matters to her, fight or not.

The Ferris wheel comes into view, and Will shakes his head. "Think about it. People used to ride that thing. For fun."

"They must have been Dauntless." Tris says. She seems to be only half-here, but her eyes are bright and alert.

Christina laughs. "Yeah, but a lame version of Dauntless. A Dauntless Ferris wheel wouldn't have cars. You would just hand on tight with your hands, and good luck to you." That makes me feel a little sick, but I squish the feeling down.

Christina and Will say something about the marsh, and then we reach the carousel. I take the flag out of my pocket. This place look even worse than it did last year.

"In ten minutes, the other team will pick their location." I say. "I suggest you take this time to come up with a strategy. We may not be Erudite, but mental preparedness is one aspect of your Dauntless training. Arguably, it is the most important aspect."

Will takes the flag from me, and immediately gives the others a suggestion. I'm not even really listening. Marlene plucks the flag from his fingers, a coy grin on her lips. Uriah, Will, and Christina say something before everyone- except Tris- starts arguing. I sit on the edge of the carousel and look up at the starless sky. I rest my hand on the back of my neck, holding my gun to my shoulder.

I see Tris look around and then disappear into the shadows. Her footsteps are quiet, but her gun rattles just a little as she walks, heading towards the Ferris wheel.

She stares up at it, blonde hair blowing in the slight breeze. She stares up for a moment, then grabs a rusted rung and tests it to see if it'll hold her weight.

"Tris," I say in a low voice. She looks over her shoulder, her gun slung over her back just like mine.


But Then I Met Her | ✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora