My First True Love {Chapter 29}

Start from the beginning

From the corner of my eye I saw a figure forming from the mist.

I looked at it for a minute not taking my eyes from the figure. I wanted to run away, but I also wanted to release all my anger and fight whatever it was.

“Hello Jane” I heard a well too familiar voice said.

I narrowed my eyes and saw Derek standing before me.

“What do you want?” I snapped.

He hold up his hand in surrender and smirks. “Doesn’t it look obvious? I’m here to kill you” he said before launching at me.

I cover my eyes and screamed.

I woke up rapidly, gasping for air.

The dream felt so real. I looked around me and sigh in relief, it looked the same.

I pick up the pillow and saw the cell phone along with the notebook were still there. It must have been just a nightmare.

It was just a nightmare Jane.

I swung my legs of the bed and walked towards the bathroom.

The bathroom itself could be another room, it was huge. The white tiles shimmer as I walked passed them. The shower was covered in gold, so were the towels, they were engrave with the hotel’s initials.

This was definitely fit for a queen.

I took a quick shower and got out.

Now where do I go from here?

My eyes scanned the room again, I grabbed the cell phone and notebook along with the wallet that Derek had giving me.

This is it. I thought as I got out of the room.

I made my way to the elevator, pressing the button that will take me to the lobby.

The doors opened and I hesitantly made my way out, I knew that once outside the hotel, I was not going to be protected.

There was no one else that would come to my rescue if I were to be in trouble. I looked around me unaware that Derek could be anywhere.

For a moment I wanted all this to end, I wanted to go back home to my family and to my friends.

But there was always a part of me that wanted me to stay. That part wanted me to end whatever this whole this was and to save the love of my life.

I know this is going to sound stupid, but there is something in me that wants to know of what I’ve been through is really worth it.

My First True Love {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now