United We Stand

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I think it's beautiful and terrible. It's both beautiful and terrible how I can read and read and read poetry till even the best poets are no longer good. Do you know why? It's like reading the same thoughts over and over and over. Humans, we're so cliché. We all have the same thoughts put down in different words. We all see the same world but through different eyes. We all play with identical decks of cards, but every time we shuffle, we invent in order that is new. Every word is a combination of the same 26 letters over and over and over. We're monotonous, yet unique. That's what I love about poetry: something about it just connects us all. You feel what I feel what she feels what they feel what all feel. It's universal; endless. Yes, empathy is on the brink of extinction, but with every word I write, I vow to be the change that I want to see.

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