Human Nature, or My Nature

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I understand that we can't be omnipotent
And that only God can
But why do we have to be just so ignorant when it comes to the lives of others?
I understand that nobody wants everyone to know all their business
Because it's human nature to shut down
It's implanted in our hearts to be secretive
"Dishonesty can be rampant"
But if we weren't so absent-minded
And didn't lose our train of thought halfway through a deep soliloquy ABOUT SOMETHING WE CANT EVEN REMEMBER
Memory is a tenuous thing
And my memory's tenuousness just manifested itself right now
I have absolutely no idea where I was going with this whole speech
I wish this didn't happen to me
And I always wonder if this happens to everyone
Because I'm certainly no exception
So if it does happen to us all
Who am I to say that I should be exempt from this problem?
Because now that I think about it, all I ever wanted
Was to be normal
Not average or mediocre
But to have a normal life, even though there's really no such thing
But you know what I mean
And I get that I might be a hypocrite for always saying
That I don't want to fit in with the status-quo
But I really just don't want to be defined
And if we knew more about each other
We wouldn't have to stereotype
But we don't
Because we're not omnipotent
And only God is
So I guess maybe the world isn't the problem
Maybe the problem isn't human nature, either
Maybe the problem is me
Maybe it's just time for me to except
That this is the best
That the world is ever going to get

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