" You're wearing a hoodie." He corrects.

" Which is very warm."

" That is not the reason why your face is the color of a tomato Catalina." He pressed.

" Yes it is." I say.

" No. I know you very well Cat. Don't forget that."

I mentally frowned. That's the thing. He does know me. Those three months we were together lead to him knowing my quirks. To recognizing my facial expressions. He's just too smart and notices everything. I hate it. I hated it then when we were together in Paris and I hate it now.

" Can I ask you a question, Cat?" His grin is gone and now he looks serious.

" Of course." I say. I mean I can't exactly ignore him if I wanted to. I'm stuck next to him for the next nine hours.

" Do you want to go back home?" Of everything he could've asked me I didn't expect this question.

" Dimitri why-"

" I know your relationship with your family is difficult. I just thought that how you were acting with Alekzander you were even possibly going to stay behind. Looked like you were." He said with a frown.

Shifting in my chair slightly I face him.

" I did want to stay in russia with Alek yeah but I have school. I have a family. I have friends who I miss a hell of a lot more then my own parents. Even more Harry." I frowned as I thought about Harry.

" Yes he went through a lot when you were taken."

" I don't know how I'll make it up to him."

" I'm sure he'll forgive and forget."

" Knowing Harry he will." Without even hesitating I thought.

" You don't want him to?"

" Well I wouldn't be surprised if he was mad at me. I mean he went through a lot. His mom who already hates me must hate me even more."

" His mom hates you?" He sounded surprised.

" Yup. Called me a devil child. Threw holy water at me once." I rolled my eyes as I remembered that damn day she did it.

" Well at least she didn't throw you a bible or a cross."

" Yeah cause that would've hurt a hell of a lot more." I chuckled.

" You care a lot about Harry." He states.

" Course I do."

" Do you love him?" His face darkened.

" Well no. Harry's a good friend but no."

He gives me a quick sideways look. Something flashed in those blue eyes of his. A look I couldn't quite pinpoint.

" Do you still love me?"

The airbrushed out of my lungs as he asked me that damn question. My heart raced. My palms became clammy.

Do I love him? Do I love Dimitri?

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