"I used to come out here when I was upset when I was younger." He finally said looking around. I take a second look around me to see what he sees. It's actually really beautiful. I little further off, I can hear a stream of water running. The trees reach up into the sky and the smell of pine is pungent.

"I can see why. It's really calming out here." I take in a deep breath and close my eyes.

"Grace, we should probably head back. It's getting dark out, and it looks like it's gonna storm." I open my eyes to see he moved closer to me and is looking at the sky in concern.

"Really? I love storms." I look up and sure enough the cloud are rolling in creating a dark blanket across the sky.

"Come on." Jaxon grabs my hand and tugs me back toward the pack house. He slows down slightly and matches his stride to mine.

As we walk, I look around me, trying to get a feel for the forest. We continue through the forest when the rain starts to fall. I stop when I hear something causing Jaxon to stop as well.

"Come on." He tugs my hand again. I hear the sound again and turn in that direction.

"Sush. Do you hear that?" He stands in front of me protectively, cocking his head to the side to try and hear it. I finally spot what I'm looking for and move past Jaxon. I look around for a mother before picking it up. It mews at me and my heart just melts.

"Isn't he just adorable." I show him to Jaxon. He's a dark orange tabby fuzzball of a kitten.

"Oh hell no. No cats, they are nothing but trouble." Jaxon crosses his arms in resistance.

"But look at him. Doesn't he just melt your heart?" I hold him out toward Jaxon and the kitten mews at him. "Aww."

"No cats." He repeats, not cracking at all. I frown at him and then an idea pops in my head.

"Well good thing he's not a cat." With that, I turn and head back to the house.

"He's a cat!" Jaxon yells after me catching up.

"Technically, he's a kitten, not a cat." I hold him closer to me.

"You and your technicalities." He mumbles. "No kittens. They grow up into cats. We are not taking him back with us." He stands in front of me blocking the way. I step around him and continue on my way. "Grace, I'm serious." I stop and turn around to look at him.

"Look. I didn't see a mother or even any other kittens around. We can't exactly leave him out here by himself. He's just a baby, and in case you forgot it's raining." As if to prove my point the rain started to pour harder and the wind picked up. "Now I may like storms, but I don't like getting drenched in one." With that said I turned around and headed back to the house, shielding the kitten from as much rain as I could.

I could hear him grumbling behind me, but he didn't protest and lead the way back to the house. We entered the kitchen through the doors that lead to the backyard. Inside there was Zoey, Kyle, who was going to be Jaxon's Beta, Bertha, and a two other males that I have yet to meet.

"Why does he look so grumpy?" Kyle asked. I grabbed a hand towel from a drawer to dry off the cat. I turned to them to reveal the fuzzball of cuteness. "Oh. That's why." He turned to look at a pouting Jaxon.

"Aww. He's so cute!" Zoey came over to coddle him.

"I know. Doesn't he just melt your heart." I gently dried him off. "Jaxon's just a sourpuss because he didn't get his way. I'll have you all know that he wanted to leave this poor motherless, defenseless baby kitty outside in the pouring rain." Jaxon narrowed his eyes at me and grumbled some more.

"Yeah Jaxon doesn't really like cats." The male with the black curly hair said. "I'm Cameron by the way."

"Grace. Nice to meet you." I set the towel down and set the kitten on the table. "What are you going to name him?"

"We are not keeping him." Jaxon said fiercely. I glared at him.

"His name is Zeus." I say petting him. He starts to purr and walks closer to me, before jumping into my lap.

"Zeus, I like it." Zoey replies petting the kitten in my lap.

"We are not keeping him." Jaxon finally moves and walks over, standing in front of me.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." I pick up Zeus and walk away from him, so he can't take him away from me. "Come on. Let's go find you a nice sunny spot to nap. I think you'll find Jaxon's bed very comfortable." I murmur to the cat.

"He is not sleeping in my bed!" I hear from the kitchen that I just left.

"Then neither will I." I call behind me, climbing the stairs. I hear his footsteps behind me.

"Yes you will. I will have you in my bed." He climbs ahead of me and blocks the stairs.

"Is that a challenge?" I do love me a good challenge. I move to the right, but he quickly moves to block my path again.

"No. It's a promise, one that will happen before the two weeks are up." I duck under his arms that are spread out to the side and continue up the stairs.

"Challenge accepted."

Finding HerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon