Chapter 6

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The past few days have gone by in a blur. I've been put in charge of watching the younger children the past few days while everyone else is running around the pack house with their heads cut off, like chickens. For what, I still have no idea, but I've picked up that someone important is coming to visit.

I don't know why they asked me to watch them. I'm not a very good sitter since I tend to let them do thing I know most people wouldn't let them do. They probably asked me since children like me and they are willing to turn a blind eye to some things.

I think it's another Alpha and they are trying to impress him. That, or a unicorn that poops rainbows and butterflies. It's a toss up really.

"Sam, don't throw rocks at Alice." I pluck the rock out of his hand before he has the chance to throw it and hurt someone. He has really bad aim.

"I wasn't going to throw it at her! It was going to be more of a gentle toss." He pleads. I look at him and his cute little chubby face. He really is adorable at six years old, with his blonde hair and blue eyes. I can tell he is going to be a heartbreaker when he gets older.

"Well, it's not nice to 'gently toss' rocks at people. How about you go play on the swings with Daniel okay?" He ran off to join the other boys on the swings. The girls were in the sandbox making a castle for their dolls to live in.

Watching thirteen kids is a lot more work than I thought. It's a lot noisier too. I'm just glad it's been nice outside so they aren't confined to a room inside while everyone is cleaning. I think it would drive me insane.

It was almost lunch time and it is always a production to put on. Everyone wanted something different to eat, someone always spilled something by 'accident' on someone else, and no one wanted to eat their vegetables.

I watch them play for a while enjoying the peaceful moment while it lasted. They didn't come too often.

"Grace, the kitchen is free if you want to feed them." I look up at Holly, one of the pack women in charge of clean the kitchen. 

I don't think she likes me in there with them since some sort of mess ends up somewhere it shouldn't. Yesterday it was ketchup on the ceiling. I have no clue as how it got there. My guess is a curious child, a spoonful of ketchup, and a strong finger.

"Okay, we'll be in there in a minute." I stand back up and gather all the kids who start firing off what they want to eat.

"Corndogs!" Little Daniel is the first to start them off.

"No, I want mac and cheese."

"Do we have any hamburgers?" They keep arguing as they settle around the table.

"Hold up. How about we have chicken nuggets and pizza?" After a little bit of arguing from Sam who wanted steak, I finally got them to all agree. I give them some apples and carrots to munch on while I prepare the pizza and nuggets.

"Why have you been watching us and why is everyone cleaning?" I look at Sarah who asked the question.

"Because someone important is coming to visit and the house needs to look clean. And they are looking for Tyler." I add as an afterthought and pop a nugget in my mouth.

"Whose Tyler?" Sam asks with his mouth full of food. 

"Tyler is a six year old boy who threw rocks at little girls. They are going to put him in the dungeon when they find him and no desert for a month." His eyes grew wide.

"Are they going to put me in the dungeon too?"

"Only if you throw rocks at other people." Hopeful it'll scare him into behaving. This probably what makes me a bad sitter. Oh well, it's not like they have anyone else itching to watch a bunch of kids under ten.

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