I met Gremlin in front of the entrance waiting patiently for me in my 2005 Maybach Exelero.

Which was another present from my dad.

I slid into the soft, warm seat as he drove me to the restaurant."How is he ?". I asked, looking through the tinted glass at the busy streets flooded with tourists, lots of them held shopping bags and stopped once in a while to take pictures with their selfie sticks.Sometimes I wondered what was so exciting about taking pictures if the whole point of human existence was to one day die!. What was the need to keep account of memories? . I wouldn't blame them for their behavior..there would always be something which distinguished the rich from the poor.

"Okay". Gremlin replied immediately, his eyes fixed on the road.

He knew how much I detested him so he always avoided any further topic which led to him.

The car came to a stop in front of the restaurant.I checked the time on my wrist watch, I was a few minutes late.My father always said to never come at the exact time for a meeting, coming a bit late showed that you were too involved and serious with work which made you look like a good business man.

I walked to the front desk of the reception, admiring the crystal lights shinning  brightly, the undying laughter of couples and the soothing sound of the piano playing, reminded me of France.  A blonde girl stood at the front desk and from the way she batted her lashes and smiled at me hungrily, I got the hint that she had taken the bait.

"A reservation for Mr.Allen." I forced a smiled.

"Right this way." She smiled back, leading me as she swung her hips.

"If you need anything, call me." She winked, leaving me at the table close to the window

I stretched out my hands for a shake at Mr. Mark who was dressed in a dark blue suite, he could pass for a man in his early forties with his round stomach and dark hair which was jelled back to hide any inch of baldness on his head. He studied me with his  intense blue eyes for a while before returning back the shake. I couldn't tell if he was curious or annoyed.

"I apologize for my time, I got caught up in work" I explained as I pulled a seat out to join him.

I enjoyed the sight of the window view, all my attention was fixed on the fountain gushing out water as birds rested on the frame.

"It's okay. Your suite is quite commendable, what make is it?". He asked before he sipped a glass of red wine. "Calvin Klein?" He guessed.

How dare he?

"Thank you. It's Armani." I replied."Have  you placed an order ?". I looked down at the menu, everything beef.


"No, Now that you are here. Let's take a look".

We talked for sometime about politics before placing our orders.After a while of drinking, I introduced the main purpose of my invitation. The  idea of merging both our companies to obtain a higher profit, his eyes light up with excitement, giving the clear indication that he was interested. Mark listened to me carefully as I spoke about the deals and offers this merge would bring to him.

"This is an interesting Proposition". He concluded."But I'll need to discuss your proposal with my board members".

"No rush". I said, lightening up the mood.

The waiter appeared right on time with our meals, I was feeling a bit hungry but not as hungry as Mr. Mark whose eyes popped up as he stared cautiously at his medium rare stake which was placed in front of him.He gobbled it down in less than twenty minutes and focused on his full cup of wine.

I took my time to enjoy my lobster while we talked more on politics and sports. We ate desert after wards  and called it a day as I called the waiter for the bill.

"It was a pleasure to meet you, sir". I said, standing up to give him a shake.

"Also mine". He replied as he returned the shake quicker than before.

I tucked my hands into my pockets, about to place the cash on the table when I noticed him doing the same."It's on me."I smiled, dropping the cash quicker than him.

"Hope we meet soon, Mr Allen". He smiled back and waved at me before stepping  out of the door.

"Sir, your change  of 200 dollars". Someone said, close to my ears.

I turned around to see the blonde concierge from earlier so close to me that I could feel her breath fanning my face ,she was no longer dressed in her light summer skirt  and button up shirt but in a sleeveless shirt  and a short skirt which exposed more than half of her thighs.

I came closer to her, enjoying the sight of her shivering  as I placed a hand  on her waist and tucked the money into her skirt pocket.

"Keep the change and use it to buy a skirt." I said, placing a gentle kiss on her neck before pulling away.

Her face was flushed with embarrassment, chewing on her lower lip and tugging at her skirt to cover her exposed legs. I winked at her before disappearing through the exit door.

Gremlin stood infront of the car typing something on his phone,he straightened up soon as he saw me and with a firm nod he opened the car door for which I slid into,
and was caught by surprise to see a smiling Penelope.

"I missed you." She said, jumping on my lap and placing a gentle  kiss on my cheek.

I tickled her, satisfied at her endless laughter and smacking of my fingers to stop.I chuckled and dropped her on the space beside me when I felt the car moving,paying attention to her as she narrated to me her cat fight with Tracy.

Don't forget to vote comment  or share if you like this chapter. Am dedicating this to @Veauner. Good luck in your exams and thank you for pushing me to go on with this story your the best dictionary corrector a girl could ever ask for .

My Racist(completed)..undergoing some editing Where stories live. Discover now