Say something!

"They look pretty fucking incredible, I've gotta say. I might have to steal a bite. They even put some chips on top -"

"Jihoon, I have to talk to you..."


He frowned slightly, surprise reflected clearly in his blue eyes. "What?" Concern laced his voice as he took a step forward towards me, reaching out to touch my arm, "What is it?"

I looked down at my feet, shame flooding me. "I...well, you should know..."

"Come on," he interrupted swiftly. "Out with it. What is it?"

"Okay," I swallowed hard, tentatively looking up to meet his worried gaze. "Junhui... might ask you ... about our night last night."

"Our night?" he frowned, confusion evident on his features. "We didn't do anything last night."

I pressed my lips together, inhaling shakily. "I know..." I swallowed hard. "I told him we did."

His eyebrows furrowed together, the corners of his mouth down-turning. "You told him we hung out?" He blinked rapidly, clearly in an attempt to decipher the situation. "...Why?"

I let my eyes flutter closed, shaking my head softly, "Just... just - " I groaned quietly, glancing up at him. "Just go with it, okay? I'll explain later."

He opened his mouth to reply, but Junhui's cheerful voice rang out. "Jeonghan? Is he here?" I saw Jihoon's gaze darken, his head turning sharply in the direction of his voice. "Bring him back! I've made some breakfast!"

Jihoon exhaled sharply, his eyes rolling. "I swear to God, if he says anything," he murmured darkly, pausing to shoot me a hard stare. "And you. You and I need to have a long discussion." Without a moment's hesitation, his long legs made swift strides towards the kitchen. I followed.

Junhui was humming to herself, practically dancing around the kitchen in a ridiculous little white apron his mother had bought him as a congratulatory gift for learning how to cook something other than oatmeal. He turned to grin at the two of us, his hair all brushed up and skin glowing in a perfect manner. A skillet was in his hand, and a mesh of colors blended together to form what appeared to be an omelet at the bottom of it. Jihoon sulked by him, his gaze hardened as he slid into a chair at our pathetic excuse for a kitchen table.

"Long time no see, Ji," he grinned with a sickenly sweet smile. "Hungry? I've made some egg white omelets."

Jihoon's jaw was visibly clenched as I slowly sat in the seat adjacent to his, my heart hammering within my ribs. He shook his head, stiffly opening the brown bag on the table and retrieving two scones and a few muffins. "No," he replied curtly, shooting a vicious glare in his direction. "And I told you not to call me Ji. Thanks."

"Oh, poo, you're no fun," he pouted, sliding the fluffy omelet onto a plate and setting the skillet aside. Waving the plate in his direction, he smiled even wider and sang out, "They're good..."

"I said no," he snapped irritably, reaching for a paper plate near the center of the table. Pausing to cast a dark glare at the plate of egg white omelet he had in front of him, he snorted, shaking his head. "Another fad diet, Junhui? " He scoffed, shaking his head as he brought a scone to his lips. "Not surprised."

He scowled. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"Oh nothing," he cooed in a pseudo-sweet voice, chewing slowly. "I just prefer my breakfasts to be loaded with fat and sugar."

"I know you do," he sneered, his eyes roaming Jihoon slowly. "Anyone with eyes knows, I'm sure."

He smiled to himself, taking a grossly large bite out of his scone and chewing loudly, "I'm sorry, were you saying something?" he spoke through the mouthful of food. "I was distracted by eating something that's at least edible."

25 Days With Mr. ArrogantWhere stories live. Discover now