Please Let Me Explain

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Please let me explain


"Ready?" I asked the kids.

"Yeah!" Jai, jumping up and down with excitement.

"Okay" I chuckled and walked them to them car.

I buckled them in then walked to the drivers shide and buckled myself and drove off.

We arrived at the hospital in less than thirty minutes.

"Hello how may I help you sir?" A sweet old lady smiled at me.

"I'm here to see my wife, Bethany Lawley"

"Oh, one second," she held up her index finger "Room 267, second floor, on the right"

"Thank you, come on Jai, Leh-Ann"

We walked in Beth's room to find her asleep.

"I thought mommy was awake?" Leh-Ann said loudly, she must have woke up beth because she began to stir in her sleep.

"Mommy!" Jai and Leh-Ann in unison.

"Jai, Leh-Ann!" She smiled weakly.

Jai and Leh-Ann ran up to beth and hugged her.

"Mommy I missed you" Leh-Ann tried not to cry.

"I missed you to honey" she hugged her and jai as I stood back and smiled.

About two hours of jai and leh-ann catching up and they were watching cartoons. I was sitting in the chair next to Beth's bed when she turned to me.

"Hi, how have the kids been?" She said to me, first thing she's said to me in awhile

"Hey, great, they've missed you like hell, other than that what about you?" I asked

"I'm fine, you?"

"I'm great, now that your awake" I smiled, she smiled weakly and looked down "Bethany, I'm sorry, really, I know this is not the best time but I really need to explain myself"

"Kian.." She trailed off.

"Bethany, you only saw one side of it, please let me explain, I've missed you like crazy"

"Fine" she huffed

"That night you weren't home and I tried to call to explained and say sorry baout the other night, but no one answered, JC came over and begged me to go to the bar with him I eventually gave in and we headed out, I told myself I would only have a drink, but that did not happen, I had about four drinks and that's when things happened, a girl came up to me and started flirting, me not being in the right mind set flirted back and eventually things led to us kissing and we eventually went back to our home and thing got heated, I'm sorry Bethany, I really am its something I will always regret for the rest of my life, I am truly sorr-" I was cut off by a knock on the door.

"Mrs.Lawley?" A nurse came in.

"Yeah" She said

"I'm here to take you for your test to check if everything is okay" she smiled sweetly.

"Oh, okay"

"Where you going mommy?" Jai asked

"Mommy has to take test to see if she's okay"

"Do we have to go home?" Leh-Ann asked

"Yep, well come back tomorrow"

"Okay, bye mama love you" jai said and hugged her

"Love you to"

"Love you mommy" Leh-Ann said and hugged her also

"Love you too" she hugged back.

"By beth, see you tomorrow"

"Bye,... Love you" beth said quietly.

I smiled and hugged her, "love you to"


Sorry my emotions are showing, soooo do you think beth should forgive Kian??? Also you got to hear kians side, something you guys have been waiting for. Anyways love you guys, Bue, and see you next update!

QOTD: would you forgive kian?

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