Worst Mistake...

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Jai and Leh-Ann above or to the side

3:15 came around and it was time to pick up Jai and LehAnn. I pulled up the the preschool and entered to see a familiar figure standing next to Jai and LehAnn.

"Yay!!" I heard them cheer.

"Hey babes" I smiled towards Jai and LehAnn

"Mommy!" They smiled and ran towards me.

The figure turned around and it was Kian. Of Course.

"Daddys taking us to taco bell!" jai smiled.

"Really?" i asked Leh-Ann and she nodded.

"Why didnt daddy tell me?" i looked a kian.

"Because you said to leave you alone" he srugged.

"And were staying the night at his and uncle Jc's" Leh-Ann added.

"Oh really?, who told you that?"

"Daddy did" Jai said.

"There my kids to Beth"

"Fine" i sighed "be good, okay?, have fun love you guys"

I kissed their foreheads and said goodbye.

On my way home my phone beeped saying i had a text. It was a red light so i looked at it. Worst mistake...

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