I swallowed against the lump in my throat and nodded like a moron. "Of..of c-course not." I gave him a tight lipped smile and turned quickly on my heel. As I walked away I wanted to slap myself in the face. Mingyu probably thought I was the most unsexy boy he'd ever met, with my awkward, stiff movements and my inability to pronounce a word without stuttering and jumbling my sentences together. Not to mention ninety percent of the female population at the club was draped in slinky dresses and stiletto heels and glossy lips, while I, of the ten percent of the male population, wore simple jeans with a modest t-shirt and my trusty sneakers, my blonde hair down and neatly brushed.

I was hopeless.

As I made my way up the winding, steel steps of the staircase leading to private balcony, I saw Wonwoo's tall, slender form making his way towards me. His dark coat was on, his hands tucked in his pockets, and I frowned at him in confusion, quickening my steps. He grinned when he saw me, his eyes still concealed behind his outrageously big shades.

"Jeonghan," he greeted kindly, touching my arm gently. "There you are. I was getting worried... are you alright?"

"Yeah," I nodded with a forced smile. "Yeah, I'm fine... are you going somewhere?"

He nodded in response, his arm dropped back to his side and his hand slipping into the other pocket. "I'm going to have a smoke. Did you want to come with?" He paused, making a face as his head turned in the direction behind him. As he looked back at me, a sneer was evident on his features. "I'd hate to leave you alone with Seungcheol and his little toy."

I couldn't resist and looked back at the equally tall figure still draped within the cushions of the sofa. The same blonde girl was still pressed against his side, her dainty hand stroking at the top of his leg in smooth, languid motions. Seungcheol smiled once in a while at her, all the while his hand brought his crystal glass to his lips, sliding the red liquid down his throat in slow gulps. His eyes slid to mine, locking on mine in the most intense fashion and I willed myself to tear my eyes away and avert them back onto the much nicer, more endearing brother before me.

"No," I shook my head, clearing my throat and moving from side to side, willing the gooseflesh to disappear from the flesh of my arms. "No, it's okay. I came here to tell you I ran into a friend downstairs - " I paused, nodding down near the bar. I glanced and saw Mingyu sitting alone at a stool, sipping at his own drink. "- He invited me to have a drink, so -"

"He?" Wonwoo interrupted sharply, a subtle frown tugging at the corner of his mouth. He pressed his lips together lightly, his head turning over his shoulder to look at his brother for a quick moment before landing on me again. "He's cute..."

"Yeah," I affirmed with a nonchalant shrug. Rolling my eyes lightly, a smile broke across my features. "Just a friend, Wonwoo."

His lips pressed together lightly for a moment longer before a soft exhale escaped them. "If you say so." He paused for a moment. "You should tell Seungcheol - it's not good to stay split up for any length of time."

I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "I doubt Seungcheol gives a damn."

"Tell him, Jeonghan." His voice was much more serious now, with a firm tone that suggested that he meant every word. "Text me if you need me, we'll figure out where to meet up later."

He slinked away, his legs moving in swift, graceful movements, and I was left standing by myself in the open air and exposed to the heavy gaze of Seungcheol. Inhaling slowly and deeply, I made a tentative step forward, trying to build some courage to speak to him, and my legs gradually made the necessary steps in the right direction. I stopped when I was next to the sofa, looking down at him, but was befuddled as to why he wouldn't even glance up at me as I stood there like an idiot.

25 Days With Mr. ArrogantWhere stories live. Discover now