Episode 13.3

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Jin's face, weirdly looks just calm. He picks his chopsticks and just scoop the food inside Myungeun's mouth. Making the poor girl fluster. In the process of being fluster, Myungeun cough and well...

"Aigoo, you little kid. You shouldn't be so clumsy."

Jin picks a napkin and swipe Myungeun's mouth with full care. The members all looks at the creator who looks at the judge instead.

"I guess it's a spontaneous romantic type since spontaneously Jin sunbae scoop into Myungeun's mouth and also taking care of her in the process. So, continue the game!"


After awhile, finally Rap Monster and Baby Soul have to accept a punishment. Rap Monster picks a card but it got torn.

"Wow, the tablets are right!" -Kei

Rap Monster just smile and scratch his nape while giving it to Baby Soul.

'Make a word game using Yein and Jungkook.'

"What is this?!" -RM

"Why? I think this is okay! Since you're good at it, you can do it." -BS

Rap Monster heaves a sigh and looks at Jisoo who then realise she have to make another decision.

"How about both of you try to make a word game using each other's member? Like unnie makes Yein, and Sunbae will makes Jungkook. Start with Baby Soul, 1...2...3!"


"Yeye, the party is exciting!"


"In the practice room."

They all pay attentions to Rap Monster,


"Jung Yein and Jeon Jungkook!"


"Kookie, take care of Yein!"


But in the end, they continue the game.


Kei accidentally smacks Jimin's shoulder when he rolls the dice and eventually gets to go down the snake. With that, they have to pick a card. Jimin pouts and Kei keep apologizing while laughing.

"Sorry, sunbae! Really sorry!"

"Aish! Then, you will have to pick a card."

Kei smile apologetically and grabs a card. She reads it out loud.

'Go and buy snacks for all members-'

"What the- Jiyeon!" -JM

The members gasp.

"Wait and listen until the end, Park Jimin." -Kei

'Go and buy snacks for all members. But pick another couple.'

Jimin couldn't help but to stands up and cheer with Kei.

"Okay then, who will you go with?" -JS

"We'll go with..." -JM

Kei pull Jimin to talk about it. After a few seconds, they finally made a decision.

"Suga and Jiae!!" -Kei and JM

Suga throws a tantrum at Jimin who looks happy. Jiae could only chuckle with her I-look-like-this-cause-my-partner's-acting-like-a-kid-beside-me face.

"Why me? Take the married couple (points to YeinKook)" -SG

"Hyung, you should be ashamed of Jiae. But we pick you because we want too. Come on!!" -JM

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