I turn and see that it didn't take them too awful long to make up.

"Mommy, I'm not mad at Daddy no more." Willow says, hugging Peeta's neck.

He sits down next to me on the couch, Willow still in his arms.

"That's good. I'm glad you two made up." I say.

Willow kisses Peeta's cheek, "I'm sorry, Daddy."

Peeta looks at her and frowns, "You don't have to be sorry for anything. I know that you're just trying to help." He says.

"But I thought that's what I have to do when I want things to get better but have to be the biggest person."

Peeta and I both laugh, "That is what you so when you want things to get better. You tell them sorry first no matter what. Being a bigger person." I explain to her.

"Is that what you and Daddy do when you're mad at each other?"

I nod, "Usually Daddy is the bigger person though." I tell her truthfully.

Willow smiles at him and she pats his head.

"Good job."

He laughs, "Thanks."

"How about we finish putting all this Christmas stuff up?" I suggest to them.

Willow nods and climbs out of Peeta's lap and opens a full box.

"Here is our sock things." She says, taking out our Christmas stockings.

Willow hangs the stockings on the fire place and then sits down on the couch next to me and Peeta again.

"Hey, we should have a sock for the baby." She tells me and Peeta.

I smile, "But we don't even know their name yet or what it is. We should wait until next Christmas." I remind her.

She scoffs, "But Momma, it's our family and it needs one now, even if it's little tiny. It might get it's feelings hurt." Willow tells me.

"I think we should get the baby one too, Willow. That's a good idea." Peeta tells her, agreeing completely.

I chuckle and shake my head at them.

I really don't see the point in it this year but if they want to, I am perfectly fine with it too and it'll be no big deal.

I'm glad that she's thinking of the baby at a time like this, even though we aren't even close to having them here.

"I think that we should get a yellow socking." Willow tells Peeta.

He smiles, "You think the baby will like yellow, Momma?" He asks me.

I laugh a little, "I bet they will love it."

"If not we can buy another one." Willow says nonchalantly.

I chuckle, I swear this kid.

"Is Santa gonna give the baby presents too?" She asks Peeta.

He shrugs, "I don't know, kiddo. Maybe."

"But the baby has been being bad so I don't know if it is gonna get stuff from Santa..." Willow sighs and shakes her head, looking at me, a forced serious look on her face.

I laugh a little and she breaks out into a smile and laughs too.

"What do you want for Christmas from me and Mommy?" Peeta asks her.

"Nothing. I already gotted what I want." Willow says, like it's the most obvious thing in the world but Peeta and I are kind of unsure of what exactly that thing is.

"What is that, sweetheart?" Peeta asks her curiously.

She turns and points to my flat belly.

"You and Mommy are giving me a baby for Christmas, remember?" Willow says.

My heart melts, again, for the second time today.

Peeta makes an 'aw' face and so do I.

I swear she's going to be the best big sister, this baby will never know how lucky they are.

"Yes, but what else?" Peeta asks her, kissing the top of her head and patting her back.

She flips her brown hair back and shrugs her shoulders, "I don't know."

"You better figure it out." He tells her.

"I think that I would like a new color book." Willow's says simply.

Of course that's all she wants.

She's never been the type of kid that asks and begs for anything, she has toys that Peeta bought her but besides that, but anytime we ask her for gift ideas she always says simple little things that we could buy her at anytime but she's never asked for.

Honestly, the only big thing she's ever asked for was for me to have a baby and that is all and it wasn't a constant beg over and over for it.

"Do you want some new markers and crayons too? What about if I buy you your own paint?" Peeta asks her.

Her eyes light up at his words, "Oh, I would like that." She says nodding.

He smiles at her and she returns it.

"Oh, Daddy, yeah." Willow says and pulls Peeta's head to her lips and whispers something in his ear.

He nods his head and she smiles excitedly. 

"Do you want any new clothes or anything?" I ask her.

She shakes her head, "No. I like my clothes a lot."

I smile and try to think of other things to ask her because how much fun could Christmas be with a color book and some paints?

I personally wouldn't have much fun and Willow deserves more than that.

"Do you want any toys or anything?" I suggest, trying to spark anything she may have seen in the store.

She makes a face and shakes her head, "I like my toys too, Momma."

Of course she does.

"Are you sure there's nothing you want or need for Chrismas, Willow?" Peeta asks her again.

Willow looks up at him, kind of frustrated looking, "No, I don't need anything." She almost yells and rolls her eyes.

"Hey, stop be rude because we don't have to get you anything." I scold her kind of angrily.

She frowns, "I'm sorry, Momma but I don't want nothing." Her soft voice says, defeated sounding.

"Okay, that's fine but you don't have to be rude." I say.

"I'm sorry." She says softly.

I sigh deeply and give Peeta a look, he just shrugs.

"It's okay." I say back.

"Hey, how about we go look at Christmas lights?" Peeta suggests.

"Yeah, Willow is out of school for two weeks after tomorrow so we should do it tonight to get it over with."

He agrees.

I'm actually super excited for the next two weeks at home with Willow, so hopefully it won't be too bad.

I'm excited for tonight, even though it's snowing.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें