Chapter 24

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Sylvia's POV

I was so happy to be with Casey again. She has a great family and their all so nice. I became pretty close with Lauren and Amy. Right now we were planning a surprise trip to Disneyland for Casey. Casey was with Dani at the beach while me and the rest of the girls sat here to discuss every detail. I was so excited. "Okay?" Christina asked all of us. We nodded before we went back to doing our own things. "He Laur? Wanna go to the beach, to Casey and Dani?" I asked Lauren. She smiled and nodded. We grabbed our skateboards and went to the beach where we found Dani and Casey in the water. "Dani! You can't get a unicorn for your birthday!" Casey shouted. Lauren and I looked at each other and shook our heads. "Heei!" Dani yelled when she saw us. Casey looked over at us with a smile and waved at us. Apparently Dani saw a chance and jumped on Casey's back. I laughed and put my stuff with my towel beside Dani's towel and waited for Lauren. When she was ready we quickly joined them. "What was that about an unicorn?" I asked Casey. She looked at Dani who looked at her and burst out laughing. I looked confused at Lauren but I could see that she was used to this. I shook my head and jumped on Casey's back. "Hey!" she yelled and fell. Lauren and Dani were laughing but I looked at Casey who nodded. I jumped on Dani's back while Casey jumped on Laurens back. Dani fell but Lauren saw it coming and quickly jumped away. "Dang it." Casey said. That's when Dani and Casey ran back to their bags and came back with water guns. It was the most fun I had in a while. It was Lauren and I against Dani and Casey. It wasn't really fair because... Well, they had water guns and we had.... Nothing.

"I think we should go back, I think dinner is almost ready." Dani said as she rubbed her stomach. "I agree." I said and started to pack my stuff. "Mom said we're going to eat pizza!" Casey said and jumped up in excitement. "Calm down." Lauren said to Casey and to us: "Ready to go?". We nodded. Lauren and I grabbed our skateboards, Casey her Penny and Dani her waveboard.

Casey's POV

As soon as we were home I dropped my bag and ran to the kitchen. As I entered the kitchen mom took the pizza's out of the oven. "Oh, hey honey. Can you call the rest? Dinner is ready." Mom said as she put the pizza on the table. I quickly ran to the house as fast as I could screaming :"Dinner is ready!". Lisa raced me downstairs but I won. We waited for the rest, Alex said the grace and then we attacked the pizza. Mom and dad laughed at us and started to eat too. Dinner was as usual. We laughed, talked and played some games. "Let's go to bed. Tomorrow is going to be a long day." Christina said and smiled mysteriously. I looked at the rest of the girls and they had the same smile on their faces. I was confused and walked to my room. "Goodnight." I said as Lauren, Lisa and Dani entered our room. "Goodnight." Lauren said and gave me a hug. "Goodnight weenie." Dani said and hugged me too. "Goodnight." Lisa said and gave me a kiss on my foerhead and a hug too. I smiled and fell asleep.

"Wake up!" Dani yelled in my ear and the next thing I knew I got a pillow in my face. "I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled as I trow my pillow at Dani's head. "Get dressed, we're leaving in half a hour.". "Why?". "You'll see." she said as she gave me that mysterious smile again and left the room. I took a quick shower and got dressed. I picked a normal pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, a red Varsity jacket and my purple Supras. "I'm ready." I said as I entered the kitchen. "Okay, let's go." Lauren said as Dani dragged me outside to the van. "I haven't even got breakfast yet." I said as I got in. "We're going to IHOP." Katherine said from her seat. I just nodded.

"Would you PLEASE tell me where we are going?" I asked for the hundredth time. "No." they all said in unison. I crossed my arm and sat back, They know I can't stay mad at them for long. Dani and Lauren, who sat beside me, quickly started to hug me and 20 seconds later I hugged them back. "We're here." Christina said. We all got out and pointed at a huge sighn infrond of us. WE'RE AT DISNEYLAND! "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said as I gave all of them a huge hug. "You're welcome." Katherina said. "You really deserved it." Amy said. "After everything you've been through." Lauren said. "Because you're so amazing." Christina said. "And an amazing sister." Lisa said. "It was the least we could do." Dani finished. I gave them one last group hug before we got in.

That's how we spend the rest of the day. It was AMAZING. We went in every ride there was, got alot of pictures and had an amazing time together. Now we we're riding to a restaurant for dinner. Christina said that our parents and the boys, including Mason, we're waiting there for us. Suddenly someones phone started to rang. We all looked at each other. It was Sylvia's phone. "Sorry." she said apologizing. We just nodded while she answered it. "Is everything there? Good. That's great. Thank you so much. Okay, bye and thanks again." she hang up and sat that with a huge smile. "What was that about?" I asked her curiously. "I'll tell you later." she said. "We're here." Lisa said as she got out. I saw Mason waiting for me so I literally jumped out the van and ran straight into his arms. "Hey beautiful." he said as he gave me a quick kiss. "Hey, did you miss me?" I asked him. "Uhm.... no." he said while he pretended to think. "Oh, okay." I said and started to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back in his arms. "Because I know you're always in my heart." he said. All the girls started to 'Awww'. "You're so cheesy.". "But you love it.". "True.". "Okay children, that's enough." Lisa said as she jumped in between us. Everybody laughed as we started to walk inside.

All of us girls were in Christina's, Katherine's and Amy's room, the little boys were asleep and Alex, Micheal and our parents were in the livingroom watching TV. "Okay, I need to tell some inportant news." Sylvia said in a serious tone. We all looked at her with worried looks. Then there was a deadly silence. "I'm... I'm moving.". "What? Where? When?" I yelled scared of losing her. Christina and Amy grabbed me before I fell of my bed. That's when Sylvia started to smile. "Don't worry. I'm moving tomorrow.... In this neighborhood!" she yelled in excitemend. Christina and Amy had to grab me again because I almost fell of my bed, again. "Will you stop that." Amy asked me. I laughed and nodded. "That's great news." Katherine said to Sylvia. "What about your trip?" I asked her. "I can always do that later and then with you guys.". We all smiled and nodded in agreement. This is my family, my best friends and my life.

The End


And this my readers is the first book. Because nobody came up with a good name for you guys I decided to call you Lovies because I love you all so much.

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