Chapter 20

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Christina's POV

"Hey Casey, where have you been?" I asked Casey as she entered the kitchen. "Hey Chrissy. I was at the beach." she said said with a smile and ran to her room. "What's up with her? She's so... so happy." Amy said as she entered the kitchen. "I don't know.". I stood up and followed Casey to her room. There I found Lisa and Lauren too. Casey layed on her bed with her IPhone. I climbed up and layed down beside her. "Why so happy?" I asked her. "Why not?" she answered with a big smile. I laughed softly. "What happened at the beach?" I asked her curious. "Nothing special, why?". "Oh, just wondering." I said and left the room.

Laurens POV

I followed Christina out of the room downstairs. Someone knocked on the frond door as I walked past it. I opened the door and saw a boy of my age standing there. He had cute brown hair and beautiful blue/brown eyes. He was a bit taller than me and I could tell he was very shy. He's cute but not my type. "Hey I'm Mason your new neighbor. Do the Cimorellis live here?" he asked with a soft and shy voice. I remembered that mom told me something about new neighbors who were moving into the house on our right. "Yes, I'm Lauren Cimorelli. It's nice to meet you. When did you move in?". "It's nice to meet you too and I moved in with my dad yesterday. I actualy came here to invite your family over for dinner tonight, I mean... If it's not a problem.". "No, we would gladly accept your invitation.". "Okay, great.". "What time should we come?". "Dinner's ready around 8.". "Okay, got it.". "Okay, bye." he said with a little smile and walked away. I closed the door and yelled trough the house: "FAMILY ANNOUNCEMENT IN THE LIVINGROOM!". Casey, Lisa and Katherine came walking down the stairs and I walked with them to the livingroom. When every body was there I started to speak. "Do you all remember that we have new neighbors?" I asked. Everybody nodded. "Well, they invited us over for dinner at 8.". Everybody nodded and quickly went to their rooms to get ready. I decided to wear a pear of black skinny jeans, a white T-shirt, my red jacket and my pink Nikes. I already had my make-up done so I didn't have to do that. I looked at Casey who wore almost the some as me. She was wearing a white skinny jeans, a blue T-shirt, the same jacket as me but then black and the same Nikes but then blue. She turned around and looked at me. We both started to laugh and walked downstairs. We sat down on the piano bench and waited for the rest. "You met him already, didn't you?" I asked her. "Who?" she replied. "Our new neighbor.". "Maybe." she said and started to blush. "You do and you like him!" I squeled. "No." she said blushing even harder. Luckily for her Katherine and Amy came walking down the stairs and not much later the rest came down too. We walked to our new neighbors house which was twice the size of our house. Dad knocked on the door and after a while the door opened and there stood a man from around the 40 and was a bit taller than our dad. He had short brown/blond hair and grey eyes. "Hey, I'm Tylor and this is my son Mason." he said and took a step back so we could see Mason standing on the stairs. "Hey." he said shyly. "Hey, I'm Mike and this is my wife Lynne and these are my kids. Nick, Christina, Joey, Alex, Dani, Katherine, Amy, Christian, Lisa, Micheal, Lauren and Casey.". "Nice to meet you. Please, come in." he said with a warm smile and took another step back so we could come in. I saw that Mason pulled Casey out of our group upstairs. I smiled and chuckled. I got a weird look from Christina but I just chrucked it of.

Casey's POV

We walked inside and suddenly Mason pulled me away from my family upstairs. He lead me into a room and closed the door. It was completely dark except for Masons phone light. "Mason? What are we doing here?" I asked him curious and a bit scared. "I wanted to show you something. When I was at your door I saw all the music instruments so I figured you like music." he said and flipped on the light. I looked around and saw we were standing in a huge recordingroom. It was as big as a ballroom in a castle. On my right was a huge tune-table and behind that a small room wth only a mic. On my left were all kids of instruments. 20 kids of elektric and acoustic guitars, the same grand piano as we had, keyboards, drums and many more. In the other corner the was a bureau and 3 big poofsacks. I looked around with huge eyes. I looked at Mason who was smiling. "Why are you smiling?". "Because you look so happy. When I met you at the beach you looked a bit sad." he said and came standing next to me. "This were my moms music unstruments. This would be her music room but she died before we moved here. My dad hasn't touched anything that has something to do with music since she died.". "Why show it to me?". "I think that if my mom would meet you, she wanted to show you this. It's your music room too know.". "Thanks." I said and hugged him. I let him go and looked around again. "Mason! Dinner is ready!" his dad yelled from downstairs. We looked at each other and walked downstairs together. "So were the 2 lovebirds doing?" Christina asked. I looked at Lauren and when she saw I was looking at her she shook her head and pointed at our hands. Suddenly I realized Mason and I were holding hands. I quickly sat down at the end of the table and Mason sat down at the opposite side of the table. Tylor and mom came walking in with the food and everyone sat down. Mason and his dad are Catholic too so we all said the grace and started to eat. Mason and I were telling each other stories about weird experiences from our lives. I laughed as he told me about how he tried to learn how to ride a horse.

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