Chapter 18

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Casey's POV

<3 days later>

I need to tell someone. I can't keep it a secret any longer. Maybe I can go to Lisa. No, she'll freak out. Katherine! No, she'll go in motherly protective mode. Dani is to young. Amy will go straight to Katherine or Christina. Christina! I can go to Christina. I stood up from the grass I was lying on. I was on a hill not far from my house. I started to walk back to the house and thought about what I should say. Before I knew it I reached the frontdoor. I opened it and walked to Christina's, Katherines and Amy's room. There I found Christina and Lauren talking. "Chrissy? Can I talk to you....  Alone?" I softly ask. "Yes ofcourse." she said. Lauren nodded and left the room. Christina gave me a worried look and asked: "What do you want to talk about?". I sat down beside her and hugged her before I started to speak. "The orphanage wasn't always the safest place to be...


I was walking to my room after dinner. Suddenly someone grabbed my arm and dragged me into the bathroom. There he pushed me against the wall and put something against my face. I looked down and saw it was a knife. I became terrified. I looked up and saw it was Liam. Liam was a nice boy. He used to eat breakfast together and he used to sing for me when I felt lonly. I looked at him with begging eyes but he didn't say anything. I closed my eyes and prayed someone would enter but nothing happened. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my left cheek and then in my forhead. Liam quickly ran away. Then I heard something drip on the ground. I looked down and saw it was blood... My blood. I ran to the mirror and saw I had 2 huge cuts. I quickly ran to the first aid department and they said I had to go to the hospital. There I got stitches.

*End flashback*

"I still have those scars that will always remind me of what happened." I said with tears in my eyes, finishing my story. With my sleeve I wiped the make-up of my face revealing my scars. I heard Christina gasp for air and I let the tears stream down my face. "Why didn't you told me this earlier?" she asked me whispering in my ear. "Because I'm scared." I whispered back. "I need to tell mom. Will you be alright? Is it okay if I tell Kath about this?". I nodded and pulled back. She looked at me and smiled before she left the room to find mom. "Case? Do you wanna go to the park with me, Lauren, Dani, Lisa and Nick?" Joey asked me. "Sure." I said and smiled.

<At the park>

I sat down on the swings and watched the others fool around. "He, what's on that little mind of yours?" Lisa asked me while she sat down on the other swing. "Just thinking." I replied softly. We just sat there in silents until someone hit Lisa with a water balloon. I laughed as Lisa stood up  and chased Nick who trew the water balloon. Suddenly someone trew a water balloon against my back. I turn around to see Dani laughing and when she saw I looked at her she said: "Oh oh." and ran for her life. Lauren quickly joined me and gave me some water balloons.

Christina's POV

I came out of the computer room where we just had the big conversation. Everybody was shocked and agreed we couldn't keep Liam. As soon as we were done, mom called the orphanage and dad told Liam that we couldn't adopt him. Ofcourse he didn't told him the reason why. I walked past the frontdoor when it opened and a soaking wet Casey, Lisa, Lauren, Nick, Dani and Joey entered. "What hapened to you?" I asked asked them. They looked at each other and burst into laughter. "Well, go change before you catch a cold." I told them. They nodded still laughing and went upstairs. I was glad that Casey had some fun today. I went to the kitchen to help Kath with dinner. "Hey Kath, need a hand?" I asked her. "Sure." she replied smiling.

<When dinner was ready>

We were waiting for Liam and Casey to come down so we can start dinner. Liam had to stay with us for the night before he went back to the orphanage. I was getting worried so I walked to her room. The door was closed so I just said: "Casey? Are you alright?". "Yeah, I'm coming." she answered with a shaking voice. My eyes widened and I quickly ran downstairs. "Micheal. Please help me." I quickly said and ran back upstairs to Casey's room. He and the rest of my family quickly followed me without questions. I pointed at the door and he softly opened it revealing Liam holding Casey against the wall with a knife to her face. I heard the little ones gasp behind me but they kept quiet. 'Not again!' I thought scared. Micheal quickly ran inside grabbing Liam by his arms and trowing him on the floor. Dad quickly helped him and mam started to call 9-1-1. When Micheal grabbed Liam he cuts Casey's left arm ans then the knife flew out of his hand and cuts her left leg as it fell. I quickly ran towards her and grabbed a T-shirt on my way to put hold on the cuts. "I should've killed you when I had the change at the orphanage." Liam said. Then everything hapened so fast. Katherine told the others to go to the computer room and wait there. The cops and ambulance arrived. Liam got arrested. The ambulance people helped Casey. The wound in her arm wasn't that bad so they just put a bandage over it. The cut in her leg was a lot worse. They said she had to go to the hospital because the knife may have cut a muscle. Lauren and I went with them.

<10 minutes later>

The rest of my family arrived here and I could finally cry. I wanted to stay strong for the little ones but I just could. The doctor came walking in and asked: "Are you the Cimorellis?". We all nodded. "She is alright but the knife did cut a muscle so she can't move that leg. She may not move that leg for about a month. Her arm is alright but she may not use it for a week because it's a pretty big cut so we put her arm in cast. So she has to be wheeled around in a wheelchair. She may go home now.". We all sighed in relief. He brought us to Casey's room where she was waiting for us in a wheelchair and her arm in pink cast. "I'm so glad you're okay." I told her as I carefully hugged her. The rest also gave her a hug and we went home.

Laurens POV

I couldn't believe what my eyes have seen. I softly cried as we were driving home from the hospital. "It's all my fault." mom said softly. "No it isn't. Why would you think that?" dad asked her. "It was my idea to adopt Liam. "You didn't know. It's my own fault. I should've told it earlier." Casey whispered softly besides me but everyone heard it. I gave her a big hug and so did Dani who sat on her other side. I just didn't know what to do so I just hugged her and she gladly hugged me back. Nobody knew what to say so we all kept silent for the rest of the ride.

<At home>

We all went straight to bed. Micheal carried Casey upstairs to our room and Lisa and I helped her change. I looked at Casey who already slept when I entered my room. "Good night." I whispered softly as I lay my head on my pillow. "Good night." Lisa and Dani said in unision.

<The next morning>

"Hey Kath." I said as I entered the kitchen. Joey, Dani, Amy, Christian and Nick were sitting at the table eating the pancakes that Katherine made."Good morning. Want some pancakes." she asked me smiling. I nodded thankfully and sat down beside Dani. "Wanna go skateboarding today?" Dani asked me. 'I used to do that with Casey.' I thought sadly. "Sorry, don't really feel like it." I answered, grabbed my pancakes and took them to my room. As I entered I saw that Casey was awake. "Hey, want some pancakes?" I asked her while I sat down on her bed. "Yes please." she answered smiling. We shared the pancakes and after we finished them there was an awkward silence. "About what happened yesterday. I should've told you." she said breaking the silence. "Hey, I'm just glad you're alive." I said and hugged her. She gladly hugged me back. "Can we go to the park?" she asked me when we pulled away. "Sure, but you have to change first." I said and pointed laughing at her zebra pajamas. "Okay, help me please." she said and reached her hand out to me. "Nope." I said and turned around. "Please.". "Okay." I said, turned around and grabbed her hand.

Casey's POV

<20 minutes later>

Finally we arrived in the park. Amy, Lisa and the 3 little ones wanted to join us so they are here too. "Laur? Can you promise me something?" I asked her softly. We sat on a bench well the rest played football, well Amy and Lisa tryed. "Anything." she answered. I looked at her and she put her arm around my shoulders. "Promise me.... That you'll never leave me. Promise me that you'll protect me, that you'll always be there for and never forget me.". "Oh Case. Ofcourse I'll promise you that. Only on one condition.". I nodded. "Promise me the same." she said in her serious voice. "I promise, I promise, I promise." I said and hugged her tight.

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